Chapter Nine

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You all should thank the insomnia I've been rocking for 21, almost 22 years, for this chapter.

(Juliet's POV)

Vince, Gio, and the others were all laying in beds. I quietly shut the door and ran to Vince's side.

He was out. They all were.

I looked at the IV bags they were attached to and unhooked all of them once I read that there was a paralytic in them. I was on the phone with Stefano and was about to look in the cabinet by the door when I heard someone coming. I quickly made it look like they were all still hooked up before I ducked underneath Vince's bed.

"How are their wounds healing?" A man asked as the door opened.

"They're all doing wonderful. Should be fully healed in no time."

"That's good. I'd like to get this whole thing taken care of ASAP. Vincenzo seems to be getting more pissed off every second. Now that he knows who we are, he's pissed off and confused. Any luck finding his wife?"

"No, Sir. We got word that even their men don't know where she is at the moment. She just vanished from the safe house."

"Send some of our men to look for her and double our security."

"Yes, sir."

The men left after that, but I waited a few minutes before crawling out.

"Jules?" Stefano asked.

"Yeah, I'm here."

"Who was that?"

"I don't know." I said, rummaging through the cabinet.

"What are you looking for?"

"Something to reverse the paralytic."

"Where are you? Can you give us a location?" He asked, as I heard someone else coming just as I had found what I was looking for.

I quickly grabbed the small vials and ducked back underneath the bed. In the process of doing that, I accidentally hung up on Stefano.

Whoever came in must've just forgotten something because they left just as fast as they came.

I crawled out and proceeded to inject Vince with the reversal for the paralytic.

How do I know what the reversal was? How do know that a paralytic was in the IV bags?

After the sixth time of Vince coming home injured, I got a degree in nursing. Online of course. Anyway, I'm technically a certified nurse.

I got excited and started to tear up when his eyes started to open.

"Vince, can you hear me?" I asked, cupping his face in my hands.

"Tesoro?" He asked.

"It's me."

He let out a groan as he tried to sit up, so I helped him.

"What are doing here? How'd you get here?"

"Not important. What's important is that I'm here to get you out." I said, moving to help Gio next.

I got maybe one step away from him before he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. Then his mouth covered mine.

"F*ck, I've missed you." He murmured against my lips.

"I've missed you too. I was so worried." I said, starting to cry.

"I'm sorry. I promise you that I'd be careful and I wasn't."

"If you do it again, you're sleeping on the couch forever. Got it?"

"Yes, Mia Regina."

Ten minutes later, all the guys were coming to their senses. I was seconds away from helping Vince stand up when an alarm started to go off.

"They know you're here." Vince said just as the door opened and five men came in.

"There you are." One man said as the others pointed guns at me.

I backed up so that at least part of me was touching Vince while the men stared at me.

"You're much more beautiful in person," He said before looking around the room. "And you're smart too."

"Let them go." I growled.

The man laughed.

While he was laughing, I discreetly took Vince's hand and placed it on my lower back so he could feel the gun.

Within seconds, Vince had it pointed at the man's head and he stopped laughing. Vince lifted himself up, so that he now stood in front of me.

The man cocked his head to the side and studied Vince.

"There he is. Il Diavolo. The Queen becomes endangered and Il Diavolo instantly makes an appearance. It's really rather....fascinating. It's more fascinating to see it in person rather than just hearing stories."

Vince didn't move. He didn't blink. He was like a statue.

"You really going to shoot me?" The man asked.

"Your men are pointing a gun at my wife. Family or not, I will kill you." Vince growled and I was stunned.

"Fa....Family?" I asked.

I looked at the man and I mean really looked at him. That's when it hit me. That's when I recognized him.

"'re dead. You all died. Years ago." I said.

"The best time to attack your enemy is when they think you're dead. If they think you're dead, they won't have their guards up."

"But they saw your bodies."

"They saw what we wanted them to see."

I was stunned to silence.

"Shall we do proper introductions now?" He asked, having his men put their guns down. Vince didn't move though. He kept his gun on the man's head, especially as the man approached us.

The man got a few feet away and stuck his hand out for me to shake. I clutched the back of Vince's shirt.

"I'm Ottavio Bianchi, Vince's grandfather. Pleasure to meet you, Juliet Bianchi."


Remember that time in Isa's book where Nikolay said his father went to Italy and killed Vince's family?

Yeah..... 🤷🏼‍♀️

Mic Drop #6 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤

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