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Yes, it's come to an end.

I'm sad too. I love the King and the Queen. They mean a lot to me.


-B. 🥺🤧🥺🤧🥺🤧

(Juliet's POV)

"Don't tell daddy, okay?" I asked softly.

"What are we hiding from Vince?" Stefano asked, popping up out of nowhere.

"We aren't telling him that mommy gave Hades and Tank some cake and ice-cream. You how he is about stuff like that." I said as Hades took off into the living room.

"Where is he anyway?"

"Him and Vito are somewhere doing something illegal."

"That's weird, ain't it? Another, but like a different one?" Stefano asked, making me grin.

I laughed. "A bit. Weirder for Vince than us."

"But he knew."

"He didn't know that he was still alive though."

He sighed. "And just think, the world was starting to learn how to live with three full blooded Bianchi men. Now there are four."

I nodded in agreement.

"How is the wound?" He asked.

I lifted my shirt so he could see it.

"It's still healing. I don't know how you and Vince have been shot more than once. It hurts."

"We didn't get a choice, Bella."

I stared at him.

"Okay, I didn't have a choice. Sometimes Vince shot himself."

Stefano and I were both chowing down on some cake and ice-cream when Phoenix, Vito, and Vince came in. They were all sweaty and shirtless.

Stefano and I both almost choked on our cake.

"Moglie, are you eating that for breakfast?"

"And if I am?" I asked, daring him to try and take it.

"Just don't give any to the dogs, okay?" He asked, just as Hades and Tank ran in, their jowls and slober a blue color from the icing.

"Oops." Stefano and I both muttered.

Vince looked at me with the usual look in his eyes and I batted my eyelashes at him. He sighed.

"What time are the twins arriving?" Phoenix asked.

"In a few hours." I answered.

It's been two weeks since we got back to the states and a lot has changed.

Vito is now officially part of our team. He is also the family's new attorney for all legal things. He has always had dual citizenship, so he was also able to purchase a house not far from ours. Stefano and I have become very close friends with Vito, as well. Lately, it's been us three against Phoenix and Vince. They call us the troublemakers. Vito seems like a serious, cold, and grouchy person, but he's actually almost as big of a goofball as Stefano is.

Vince's family is a still a touchy subject. Ottavio keeps calling and trying to meet with Vince or talk to him. Vince ignores all his efforts though. He simply pretend that Ottavio doesn't exist. After coming back to the US, we all learned that Ottavio had an ulterior motive besides simply wanting to protect his family. Ottavio was hoping that Vince would be so thankful to him that he'd offer to bring him into the business. Obviously, no one told Ottavio that Vince is rarely to thankful to anyone.

Phoenix and Stefano got engaged and then married. Phoenix proposed to him where they first met and Stefano obviously said yes. They didn't want a giant wedding, so they went to the courthouse and then we had a small reception at our house. They both still live in the guesthouse outback even though we've told them that they can move. They just keep telling us that they like living there. They like being close to us.

Another thing that has change is me. Well, kind of. Ever since that week, Vince has been letting me have some input when it comes to business. More than he's ever allowed before. Not so much when it comes to the real illegal side of business, but the rest of it. A lot of the guys have also started coming to me for advice or answers if they can't immediately get ahold of Vince. It has made Vince....proud of me.

Rumors started to spread after that week that Vince was missing. People said that I had 'fallen'. They said that Il Diavolo's angel had fallen and there was no going back.

They were wrong though.

I never fell. I was still an angel.

An angel with the devils touch.

Later that night after everyone had left, I found my way to the library. I grabbed the book off the shelf and had a seat at the small desk. I opened to the bookmarked page and started.

A couple hours had passed before Vince came in.

"Moglie, what are you doing?" He asked, coming up behind me.

I showed him the cover of the book. "I'm finishing our story."

He smirked. "What do you mean finishing? We've got a lot more living to do and a lot more hell to raise."

"With our family?" I asked, looking at the group photo of all of us that sat on the desk.

It was a picture from years ago. A picture of Vincenzo, myself, Stefano, Phoenix, Giovanni, Knox, and Scarlett. We had taken it at Thanksgiving that year. It was one of my favorite pictures.

"No one raises hell better than we do." He winked.

I chuckled. "You got the right."

"The Devil's Angel," he started.

"And the Angel's Devil." I finished.

He gave me a grin and kissed my head.

"Come to bed, Moglie." He said, as he walked out.

"Be right there, Marito."

I'm quickly finished the last page in the book and smiled to myself.

Long live the King and the Queen.

Long live the Princes and the Princess.

And long live their faithful knights.

Forever shall they all reign.

I was about to put the book away when I decided to add one last page.

Rule 1: God help anyone who disrespects or harms the Queen.

Rule 2: God help anyone who disrespects or harms the King.

Rule 3: God help anyone who disrespects the Princes, the Princess, or the faithful knights.

May god save anyone who breaks these rules, cause Il Diavolo and his Devilish Angel shall have no mercy.

The End.

Is it ever really the end though.....


Was going to post this chapter last night, but I legit fell asleep while writing it.

How we all feeling? Sad? Happy? Happy and sad?

Let me know what your favorite part of the book was.

I can't pick a favorite part. I loved it all.

Until next time....

-B. 😉😘

The Devil's Fallen Angel (Angels of the Underworld: Book 4) (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now