Chapter Thirteen

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You asked for another one and I delivered....🤷🏼‍♀️

-B. 🥺🤧🥺🤧
(Juliet's POV)

Stefano and Knox came rushing back inside.

"What happened?" Knox asked.

"Nix shot him." I said, not mentioning I'd been shot.

They threw down the stuff I asked for and then I ordered them to go get a few other things. While they were gone, I lifted my shirt and compressed my gunshot wound.

Nix went to say something, but I stopped him.

"You're worse than I am right now. I'm going to help you. As Queen, I'm ordering you not to say a word."

I got to work on him, like I've done with Vince many times before. Within minutes, I had the bullet out and had him patched up enough to where he'd survive if a doctor got to him fast enough.

"Is he going to be okay?" Stefano asked.

"I'm optimistic," I said. "But he needs blood. He's lost a lot. Do you know his blood type?"


"Damn it." I muttered.

I looked down at Nix, who was staring at me. A tear rolled down his face because he knew what was about to happen.

"I'm type O. I'll do it." I said grabbing what I needed form the medical kit. There was one in every safe house.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." I nodded, as Nix stared at me with sadness.

He was too weak to say anything and I'd ordered him not to.

"Knox, Vince is outside. He might need help." I said.

"On it." He said grabbing his bat.

"Stefano, doc is on his way. He should be here soon. Go wait for him. I won't leave Nix."


Nix's blood on my shirt had masked my own, so they didn't notice I'd been injured. I laid down by Nix on the blood soaked floor.

Seconds later, he grabbed my hand in his own and squeezed.

"No, Nix. I'll be fine. Promise."

He groaned.

"I'm not going to let you die on Steffie. Vince and I.....we've lived and loved a long time. We've almost done everything we've wanted to do. You and Stefano have just begun. You have to live." I said as I began to cry.

I looked over to see that he was now crying as well.

"P...Please." He cried.

"Not going to happen." I cried. "When you wake up in the hospital, tell Vince I'm sorry I broke our promise. Okay?"

He groaned.

"It's an order, Phoenix."


"How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." I cried.


I chuckled. "It's from Winnie the Pooh."

After a few more minutes, I started to get light headed. I reached down and yanked out the IV.

"You...should be good now." I told him.

We continued hearing gunshots going off in the house and outside. We continued hearing yelling and screaming.

I was starting to lose consciousness when a gun went off to my right.

It was Nix.

He was firing my gun into the ceiling.

Within seconds, Gio came running in with his gun drawn.

"F*ck!" He yelled when he saw all the blood. "Nix, what the f*ck?"

"Jules....she's been hit." Phoenix said. "Doc gets her...first."

"No, him. He's worse." I said.

"F*cks sake, Jules." Gio cursed, bending down.

He moved my hands, lifted my shirt, and examined my wound.

"It's a through-and-through." Gio said.

"How's everyone...else?" I asked.

"Not sure yet. We got most of those attacking us. Knox and Vince are finishing off the remaining. Stefano is standing in the middle of the f*cking road waiting for the Doc." 

It was maybe a minute later when Vince came running in with Knox. Vince's shirt has blood on it. So did his hands.

"What going on?"

"She's been shot, Boss. Through-and-through." Gio said.

"Then...she gave me some of...her blood." Nix said, ratting me out.

"Sorry," I said to Vince.

Gio moved out of the way as Vince sat in the floor and pulled me into his lap. He put pressure on my wound for me as he held me.

"It's okay, Moglie. Just...Just don't die." He pleaded.

"I go, you go?" I asked.

"That's our deal. I only die when you die." He said, brushing my blood soaked hair from my face.

The bathroom almost looked like the one from the movie IT. It was covered in blood. Blood from me and from Nix. Gio and Vince were both covered in our blood now too.

"Where the f*ck is Doc?!" Vince yelled.

"Calm down, Vince. Your anger isn't going to help anything or anyone." Gio said.

"He's...not angry." I said. "He's sacred"

"Scared, Moglie? I'm not scared. I'm f*cking terrified."

"Why? You won't...lose me either way this goes. Either...I'll survive and see you in this life. Or....I'll see you on the...other side of the...stars."

"Don't say poetic shit like that." Vince growled.

Doc arrived just before I passed out due to blood loss. Last thing I saw was Vince's blood and tear soaked face.

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