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• trigger warning •
"Perfection is the disease of a nation"




I woke up, my apartment was dark. I stirred in the blankets I had to get up for another awful day at school.

I crawled out of bed, and went into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I hated what I saw.

I was so fat and ugly, I squeezed my stomach. I'm definitely not going to eat today.

I went into the shower. I washed my hair and then stepped out. I threw on a long black sweater and black jeans and did my hair.

I grabbed my bag and phone, and went to school, I took my car.

I got out and walked towards the school.

"Malik's looking ugly today"

"He's so scrawny"

"What A Freak"

I ignored those comments.

I walked into the school, and I noticed a guy looking very confused, he didn't look familiar. I walked up and looked at him.

"Hi." The unknown boy said.

I looked up surprised someone was actually talking to me. "Hello?"

"Hi, I'm Liam and I'm kinda new here, could you help me around".

"Oh yeah yeah of course". I looked in his sparkling eyes.

Liam got out his schedule. I glanced at it, and smiled. "We have all the same classes".

Liam smiled. "Cool, so what's your name"?

"I'm Zayn".

"Zayn, that's a nice name". He smiled.

Then one of the athletic popular guys came up to us, "Aw Zaynie are you flirting with your new girlfriend"!

Zayn growled "He's a fucking boy".

"Aw so you have a fuckboy, some things should be really kept private".

"No that's not what I meant ugh"!

Liam started talking "get the fuck away"!

I walked away. "I'll see you in class". I said to Liam.

I went to the bathroom, I sat in a cubicle and got out my blade, I started to slice up my arm. Then the five minute bell rang, i wiped the blood and pulled down my sleeve, I went to class.

I walked in and Liam was sitting by an empty desk. I sat next to him

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just had to fix my hair".

The teacher started speaking about a project they would do that week, and they had to pick a partner.

"Okay class, we also have a new student his name is Liam"! Liam blushed.

A blonde girl saw Liam, she smirked. "Hi Liammmm, will you be my partner"?

"No thanks." He said.

She scoffed. Liam asked me if I wanted to be his partner, I was surprised but I accepted with a smile.

"Ew he's partners with Zayn, nobody would want to be with him"!

"Shut up you prick." Liam said.

  Liam and I started to work on our project.


It was now Lunch and Liam had went to get his lunch.

I sat at a table in the hall alone, with a water bottle.

Liam then suddenly found me, I lightly smiled.

"Hey Zayn." He said.

"Hi, are you sure you want to sit by me"?

"Why wouldn't I? Those people can screw off." He laughed.

"Yeah we'll anyways, what do you have for lunch". I asked.

"I don't know some sandwich, eh it looks nasty anyways". Liam threw it away. "I'll just eat a bigger breakfast next time."

I laughed.

"So want to do something after school to get to know each other better?"

"Sure." Liam smiles.

I smile too.


We were in my car driving down the street.

"Where you wanna go?" I asked.

"I don't know I just moved here." Liam laughs.

"Starbucks sounds good yeah?" I said.



We walked into the Starbucks, " Find a table I'll order." He smiles.

"Ok order me a cookie crumble mocha." I smiled. I handed him cash.

"I'll pay." Liam offered.

"No, Liam its okay."

"Trust me." He smiled.

"Thanks." I smiled. I sat at a table.

We drank our drinks.

"So How old are you Liam?"


"Oh, me too."

"So I had this girlfriend about three months ago and she was totally mean, she was my everything, the day we broke up I was crushed! She said I was too clingy but all I did was care about her, I felt like the biggest failure."

"Girls are confusing. I mean if you cared for her , there's absolutely nothing wrong with that." Liam said.

I smiled. "Thanks for understanding, she fucked me up alot." "So what about you in a relaionship." I asked.

"I Haven't been in a relationship for a while. Last one accused me of stealing her makeup." Liam laughed.

"That's dumb." I laughed. "Well want me to throw your cup away?" I looked at his empty cup.

"Yeah like what am I going to do with it?! and yes please."

I got up, and threw his cup away.

I walked to the bathroom. I couldn't have this high calorie shit in my stomach.

I stuck my fingers down my throat, and minutes later it came up, I took a drink and washed my hands, I wiped them off.

I walked out wiping my mouth. I was a dirty, and fat failure.

I walked out. Liam looked worried.

"Zayn you look quite pale, you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine I was just washing my face."

"Oh okay." Liam said unsure.

"Am I annoying you." I looked down. "I'm sorry."

"Don't beat yourself up Zayn, you're amazing."

I smiled. "So wanna hang at my place.?"

"Sure my parents are out so why not?!"

I smiled and we walked to my car.

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