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- 2 weeks later -

- Liam -

The end of school was coming. Zayn was getting tutored, he might be able to come into school and take his GCSE's ( final exams) Then we would be done with high school and go on to college.

I went to the hospital. If Zayn has completed his weight requirement he gets to go off the ward and come to school to do his exams. after he has to go back to the hospital.

I drove in, signed in, and I went into his room. I heard a deep voice I did not expect him to have any visitors besides me or the teacher.

"Look at you gaining all that weight ha! fucking fat ass!"

It must be his dad.

how did he find Zayn?

I walked in. "Zayn!"

My poor Zayn was crying.

" What did you do?" I yelled at his father.
He looked at me.

"Well, if it isn't young faggot?" he laughed.
A nurse came in. "Excuse me Mr.Malik your visiting period is over now."

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" he yelled.

"Get that man out of here!" I said to her.

"What is he doing."

"Harassing Zayn his own son. He is calling him fat and worthless and such."

"Oh, No sir. He is getting to a healthier weight not fat." she explained. " We specialise in treatment for eating disorders."

"My son is fat and always will be fat." he chuckled.

"This man triggered Zayn's eating disorder." I said.

"What noooo." He laughed.

"Mr.Malik I'm sorry but you have overstayed your welcome. Please exit the room."

"Fine! I'll make sure you don't have your job." He got up.

"Security." They came in and led him out the doors.

"Oh my god Zayn. I'm sorry I couldn't come earlier."

"It's fine." he said.

"What he said was not true."

Zayn looked down.

"Share that at therapy Zayn, he says stuff that is not true so don't believe him."

"Okay, I love you Liam."

"I love you more Zayn." I smiled.

"Have you weighed in today?"

'Nope. I should be in a few minutes."

"Zayn Malik," the speaker by his bed said.

"Right on." he laughed and got up.

Zayn get up and grasped onto the small cart that held his tube. We walked down a narrow corridor and opened a door.

There was a huge scale. I saw a huge scale. There was a girl a bit skinner then Zayn very very skinny. She waved. I smiled at her, she smiled back."

Zayn stood backwards and stepped on the scale. I looked at it 107.3lbs. He gained about 10 pounds I am so proud! He still looks like a beanpole but way better. He smiled knowing that I was very happy.

"Well Zayn we can decrease your feeds back to 3,500 calories a day, If you gain 17lbs you can be released, so about three more weeks if you keep up the good progress."

It was the last week of school. "Thanks doc." I smiled.

Zayn smiled too, I'd never seen him smile so big. He was happy that he was getting better. I was very happy too. He was my beautiful boyfriend.

I hugged and kissed him.

everything felt perfect.

'I should let you rest." I said. "And tomorrow we have three exams so I need to study and revise more."

"Okay Liam I love you."

"Love you too Zayn."
We kissed once again.

I drove home smiling. Happy for Zayn.


yay second chapter because you all deserve it and I have camp next week so I won't be able to update probably.

I love you all! especially ziamtattoos she is so amazing omg

byeeeee xxxxx

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