
353 19 1

" You're my definition of perfection "




I walked into school the next morning.

Liam was standing in the same spot. I smiled at him, My new beautiful boyfriend.

I went up to Liam and greeted him, then one of the athletic boys came up and said "Aw Malik how's you and your fuckboy?"

Liam glared at him. "Shut up."

He pushed Liam against the locker. "Leave him alone!" I yelled.

"Oh yeah, Make me."

I threw a punch at his jaw making him fall back. He kicked me in the stomach causing me to cry out in pain. He walked away. I walked down and punched him again. He shoved me up against a locker.

A teacher came out. "What are you boys doing?"

He smoothed his hair. "Oh, just Malik wanted a fight that's all."

"No I didn't." I said. He walked away.

"Mr.Malik that is unacceptable behaviour from you!" She said. "Get to class."

"Ugh!" I yelled out.

"Zayn." Liam said. I walked out of the school, I saw Liam chasing after me.

I lit a cigarette and leaned against the brick wall. Liam came out. "Thanks for protecting me babe." I smiled.

"No problem, nobody is going to touch you." I said. "Ugh I have my dads tomorrow I swear I hate him".

"What about him?" I didn't feel like answering so I said "Let's get back to class."

We walked back into the school. We went straight to our first hour.


- the next day -

I walked into school nervous as ever.

It was cold, well I had been wearing a very thin sweater.

Liam saw my worry. "You ok Zayn?"

"Liam I'm fine, i'm cold". I shivered.

He took his jacket off. "Liam No." I said.

"Yes, put it on or I'll cry."

"Thanks babe." I slid his jacket on over my sweater. It was big but I liked it.

"You look almost as good as I do." Liam smirked.

"Is that so!" I laughed.

Liam winked. We walked to class


The final bell had rung and I was nervous as ever.

"Liam." I said.


"I have to leave now." I sighed. "I love you, be safe." We walked out of the school and I leaned in and kissed him.

His eyes lit up. "Bye babe."

I got in my car and drove to my dads, arriving an hour later.

I walked up to the door. I knocked. He opened the door.

"Oh, It's you." He said in a nasty tone.

"Yeah, It's my visit."

"Well get in then." I walked in and he shut the door.

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