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Castielfrowned as he walked along the bunker looking for his hunter. Wherewas Dean? He wasn't in his room, wasn't in the kitchen eating, wasn'tcleaning his weapons, and the Impala was gone. "Sam?" He askedgetting the younger hunter's attention. Sam looked up at him fromwhere he was looking through his laptop for any possible cases.

"Dean? He went to the bar downtown." Sam answered still lookingthrough an article not really paying much attention. This looked likea possible case for them...

"Wait...what did I just do?" He realized as he got to the end ofthe article but Castiel was already gone. "Shit."

What Sam thought that Castiel would find was Dean flirting with andpicking up a random bar maid. Dean wasn't one to go out and picksomeone up anymore unless he was frustrated with Castiel and eventhen not much. Honestly he couldn't remember the last time that Deanhad done so, even going to the bar he didn't look at them insteadjust having his beer and talking to him about whatever.

But seemed Dean had a scratch he had to itch.

None of that happened when Castiel showed up close to the bar walkingin he easily saw Dean at the bar. He wasn't talking to anyone justdrinking his beer and eating some wings, Castiel frowned as he saw awoman come up to him and sighed.

He knew what would happen, Dean would take this woman to his bed andhe would feel pain and jealousy. Pain that his precious hunter wouldwant someone else, jealousy because he would give anything to be inher place.

He was about to turn his back and walk away, he wouldn't allowhimself to watch this. However Dean's voice came through carried overthe stale air.

"Not today hun. Not interested." He chuckled then holding up hishands and that paused Castiel long enough to stay and see why Deandid not want this woman. What was wrong with her? "Hey it's notthat you're not hot, because," Dean then let out a whistle, "yougot it going on mama."

"Than what?" She asked seeming put off but calm enough andCastiel made himself invisible, or as Dean would call it; InvisibleGirl. Normally he wouldn't do this, especially since that wholeproblem with Crowley but he needed to see what was going on.

"I'm just not really..." Dean didn't finish his thought andCastiel felt himself feeling a rare feeling of frustration at hissweet and precious Dean. What was it? But she seemed to understandand let out a wincing sound.

"I see; work troubles or woman troubles?" She asked and Dean letout a chuckle taking another pull of his beer as she got one herself.

"Something like that." He said and remained quiet and the woman,who now seemed more friendly then seductive, seemed just as curious."It's...it's a guy. Guy trouble."

"Oh." There was no judgment in her voice but still Deanshook his head.

"It wasn't like that. I've...I've never but...when it comes tohim."

"You're in love." She answered and Dean didn't answer and Castielcouldn't believe he was seeing this. Dean was in love with someone?And was willing to tell a stranger? "What's the lucky guy's name?"She teased and he let out a chuckle despite himself.

"I wouldn't call having me feeling this for him makes him luckybut his name is Cas."

Dun dun dun!!!The rare time eavesdropping works well.

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