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"Knock,knock!' Dean looked up from his makeshift wood shop where he wasmaking a crib for his baby that was getting closer as the day wentby. Right now his mate was enjoying talking to his little brotherboth having tea, having a book club or something he wasn't sure.Still he was happy that his boyfriend and little brother got along sowell.

Plus he had time to make this surprise for his mate and to be baby.

"Charlie!" Dean smiled as he saw one of the few people who wereclose enough for him to call family. Few had earned that; Ellen, Jo,Bobby, Cas, Gabe, and of course Charlie. "Where have you beengirl?" He asked with a smirk as he finished drilling for one of thebars.

He wasn't nearly as good woodworking as he was in automotive butstill he wasn't too shabby.

"Around, I am a hunter." She giggled moving foreword tosit on a nearby stool. "But I heard a certain somebody put a bun ina angel food cake's oven." She cooed and Dean grimaced shaking hishead.

"Charlie." He groaned as she giggled and hummed happily.

"I'm sorry Dean-ie-ba-bean-ie I couldn't resist." She giggledhappily and Dean rolled his eyes at her but his soft smile at hertook any bite out of it.

"Okay Charlie, you going to be here then come help me, hold thissteady." Dean pointed towards a block of wood that he wanted tomake another delicate lovely piece of bar.

"Aye, aye cap'n!" Charlie giggled hurrying to his side to helphim.

The two talked as they worked together. Charlie was only holding thewood still as Dean hammered and screwed it, but she helped him takingher own artistic to paint stylized, streamlined in green designs overthe white pain Dean painted and as he set it up making sure it wasmore than able to hold a baby. It was able to hold up his full adultman's weight it could hold a baby. Or a fledgling.

"Dean?" Dean glanced up at the clock and cursed.

"Dammnit," Dean groaned and Castiel felt his heart stab, thinkingDean was mad to hear him, "I'm sorry babe, I was working on thecrib for the baby and talking to Charlie and lost track of time, Idon't have a pie for you." Dean explained and Castiel's hormonesrelaxed and he smiled at how doting Dean truly was, it was rare tosee because Dean always worried about showing emotions like that butnow he was letting himself do this.

"It's okay Dean; I'm sure Charlie would like to join us for sometea and those lemon squares you made two days ago." He smiled andDean chuckled leaning walking over sweating a bit and with parts ofpaint on him, leaning over to kiss his temple.

"You're the one who woke me up wanting lemons." He whispered inhis ear causing a lovely shiver rack through the pregnant angel'sbody. He took a loving kiss while Dean headed inside, and suddenlyCharlie was there.

"Hey Cas, did I hear about lemon squares?" Charlie asked with awide grin and Castiel nodded and offered his arm to the red head whoquickly moved to put her arm in his.

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