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Deanwas worried. He was scared. He would never show just how terrifiedhe was but he indeed was. He hadn't seen Castiel in two weeks. Fortwo weeks his angel had been MIA. He had no way of contacting him,his calls went straight to voicemail, his prayers went unanswered,nothing worked.

Sam had tried everything he could as well. Of course what remainedheavy in the air unsaid between them is if Dean couldn't getan answer from Castiel, then what hope did Sam have? Both knew thatthe angel liked Dean a lot better then Sam.

Well no, better wasn't the word. It was different, deeper. Samwas a friend, a brother, and that was it. When it came to Dean, hewas so much more. Just more. It was a 'more' that they haddiscovered only over the last month. And though he would nevercelebrate a 'month-aversery' but he had kept track.

He couldn't find his angel and he was worried. He knew that Castielhad won his civil war and he was now pretty much their leader. But itdidn't mean that there wouldn't be another civil war, Raphael hadcome out of nowhere, so couldn't some other angel as well?

He couldn't let himself think like that. He wouldn't give up hope forhis angel, he couldn't allow himself to. Plus there was something inhim that told him that Castiel was okay.

Still he would not listen to that part of him until he had his angelin his arms safe and sound.

He had noticed though other strange things happening. His favoriteshirts had went missing. Strangely it had started with the shirts hewould notice the most and then moved on to ones he wouldn'thave easily realized.

First were his older shirts, the ones that had been worn in from somany washings that they were thread bare and had started gettingholes just from having so few. The very first had been his LedZeppelin concert shirt which when he was on one of his first solohunts had been playing nearby and he had been able to hustle himselfa ticket. It had been the first time truly disobeying his fathersince Sam had left, and it had felt great. Even if the guilt laterthreatened to tear him apart much more then his father's words wouldhave. But he was feeling reckless after what had happened when Samleft.

But his other shirts he had plenty of so the ones he wore disappearedto. He had not known why but he always had other things to worryabout. First with cases and then worrying about his angel.

Where was hisangel?

I feel sixdifferent kinds of bad for this chapter.

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