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Endingup together, togethertogether, was the strangest thing to ever happen to hunter or angel.And given how long Castiel's life was even if he was a relativelyyoung angel by their standards he had existed long before humanity inany recognizable form had.

Ending up together, together together, was the best thing thathad ever happened to either one of them.

Dean awoke every morning holding Castiel, his front pressed tightlyto his angel's back, in a loving embrace. Castiel no longer stoodoutside of Dean's room waiting for his hunter to emerge. Though Deancame to full consciousness as soon as he awoke he still spent somequiet moments brushing Castiel's black hair along his fingertips.

They'd sometimes make love again, Dean would never say those wordsout loud but fucking was too crass, copulation was even worse thensaying making love, and sex just didn't cover it. It felt wrong ofhim to refer to it as something as simple as sex. If that was thecase they'd cuddle for a while and kiss for a while before Dean'sstomach would start rumbling and they would stand and if they hadmade love they'd get dressed before heading to the kitchen.

Dean was always an earlier riser then Sam was, especially since Samwas never one for leaving his room as soon as he woke up. It was acombination of him enjoying reading when he woke up, being more anight owl while Dean was an early riser, and while Dean only sleptabout four hours while Sam slept six hours.

So Dean would make breakfast. He tended to go for omelets, scrambledeggs, sunny side up, sunny side down, dippy. Everything. Eggs wereone of the first things he learned how to make when he was younger sohad always made it for Sam and him for breakfast. And even today somany decades later he still did it.

He would go through possible cases looking for anything suspicious,anything that might be needed, he'd polish and clean his weapons,along with whatever else that Dean needed to do. Castiel would stillgo watch his precious bees but more often then not, he'd be foundsitting closely to Dean watching over his shoulder trying to learnwhat he was doing.

They'd then have lunch, usually Sam would handle that and it'd end upwith him making a salad or something else disgustingly healthy. Deanwould complain about it but he would still eat it. Usually whenCastiel reached under the table with his free hand and grab Dean's,it would cause the Hunter to shut his mouth.

Then Dean and Castiel would have couple time. Dean would never usethose words and Castiel didn't know the words but that was what itwas. Normally it was something small, having over a decade offriendship kept them comfortable enough around each other they couldbe who they truly were with no nervousness holding them back. Castielcould relax against his lover's side and Dean would be doingsomething or other and they would talk to. Sometimes Sam joined them,sometimes Castiel left to go with his bees, sometimes Dean would haveto run off somewhere.

Then they'd all make dinner; Dean, Castiel, and Sam together. They'dwork together to make a meal and Dean, though he hated to speak of itunless one of the two were acting him to bake something specific, butDean would make sure there was always a baked good for dessert.

Pie was his specialty.

Then they'd eventually slip away from each, Dean and Castiel bothshowered before bed. They started showering together, and all that isentailed with that. Then they would go about their routine, Deanloved how nice his skin felt when he rubbed oil on his skin; coconut,olive, jojoba, all of them but as Castiel liked the smell of coconutbest that is what he used.

And Castiel absolutely melted when Dean groomed his wings. Hebecame almost boneless

They'd make love that night, almost every night, but sometimes theywould just lay together and kiss and talk before they both driftedoff. But the one thing that was the same every single day was thatDean would fall asleep holding Castiel close and his deep gravellyvoice lulling him into sleep.

They would do that even when he was called away to a hunt, thatfueled him on. That he had to survive this. That he didn'tneed to just live so he could hunt more things, save more people, bethere to protect his little brother, he had to come home so he couldhold his angel once again.

Of course, there was no way that Castiel would ever let his precioushunter out of his grip again.

I really gotinto this, but when you are in a relationship you change around, andwhen they finally ended up together they wouldn't be able to keepaway from one another.

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