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"Howare you feeling Cas?" Dean asked worriedly rubbing his back whileCastiel was busy enjoying his piece of pie. Russian salmon pie. Hewas worried with how much Castiel wanted pie, the pregnancy cravingsthat Dean wouldn't refuse his mate. Still he needed to make sure thatCastiel got everything that he needed.

Castiel was more then happy to do what his precious hunter wished. Hehad no problem taking the prenatal vitamins, nor eating the healthymeals as Dean always made sure to make small personal pies for himevery day. However Castiel was more then happy to eat the savory pie,it still satasfied his craving for pie and kept his mate calm.

Ever since he found out that Castiel was expecting their child he hadbecome protective, doting. He had seen it the few times his siblingswould mate and have fledglings. Dean was an amazing mate and showinghow good a sire he would be.

"What do you think the kids will call us, Cas?" Dean asked as hefinished fluffing the pillows for the angels. Normally Cas would sitat the table, but as he had an aching back and so Dean had set him inthe electric blanket so that Castiel would be relaxed.

"What do you mean?" Castiel asked frowning, "what do the youngnormally call their parents?" He asked and Dean chuckled.

"Well, mommy and daddy, mama and papa, mom and dad; I don't know,there are tons." Dean explained and shook his head, "I guessthey'll grow up calling us whatever we refer to ourselves as." Headded and smirked as he hummed, "I think I'll have them call medaddy, but do you want them to call you?" He asked and Castiellooked between Dean, his ever expanding stomach, and the meallovingly prepared by his mate.

"I know usually the mother is considered the one who carried andbirthed the fledglings but I do prefer the male side even if I amnot." He explained and stroked his free hand on his stomach whichDean's soon joined. Castiel knew that Dean could never get enough oftouching where his baby was resting safe and sound inside of Castiel.

"Do you want to be called daddy to?" Dean asked and Castiel shookhis head.

"I always did like the term 'papa', do you think that would be aproper name?" He asked and Dean smirked at the simple question thatmade him think of how much it was like Castiel to ask. It was hisangel. He never in a million years thought he would have this.

He never thought that he would be able to be with Castiel. He was anangel for god's sake, there was no reason to want Dean of allpeople, even when he found out that angels did take mates. Still whywould Castiel want someone as broken as Dean?

Then somehow Castiel did, and that was more then Dean had ever hopedfor. But then he was having a family, and kids. The fear wasthere, of course, he didn't want to think about why. What if he waslike his own father? What if he put so much pressure on his oldestchild, the child that his angel was carrying right now? He didn'tresent caring so much for Sammy, his little brother was his wholeworld and he loved him with all his heart, but he didn't want to putany child through the pain, stress, and fear that came with beingtold that they were responsible for a child when they were still achild themselves.

The children-because growing up with a little brother he did want togive them siblings and so wanted more then just one child and hopedCastiel would agree-would know how important it was for them to watcheach others backs and be there for each other. They'd all be lovedthe same.

But still he was, now that he knew he had a baby on the way, was soexcited to have them. Even if he was still so worried and didn't knowwhat he was going to do. He hadn't even thought nor talked to Castielabout names or anything like that and really they should get to that.

"Yeah Cas, papa sounds like a great way for our little baby to callyou." Dean smiled and cooed hearing and imagining a little babywith a fresh freckled face with blue eyes and blonde hair, or a cleanfaced baby with green eyes and black hair.

I just loveseeing Dean be all caring for anyone. Seeing him hold babies,interact with kids, and hold a bunny just makes me coo at thecuteness.

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