That's my little girl

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Hi guys....ya' boi back in bismuth hahaha.Sorry to making you guys waiting this whole days...believe me,it was hard for me too to not touching my phone for a long time.

Anywayyyy,now that im back,im giving you our motherf**king creepy ass mom...drum pleaseeeee....White Diamond!,or we like to call in this story White Alpha.

And just to let you guys know,her real name is Star Diamond.

And i just watch SU future episode 9,and i must say......

WHHHHHHYYYYYY,LARSSSSS NOOOOOOO😭😭😭😭😭They my favourite human shippss nooooo

Okay,i think thats all from me for now,here you guys go...

Enjoy da chapter,
Rose POV~~~

The coronation is on three days so as Sapphire' that she dont even want to had with a stranger.I had planned to tell the others about this today but i promise Sapphire to keep the wedding part a secret until so i did what she want.Right now,im walking to a field where the others were right now.Its seems that they had getting used to this pack's routine but Amethyst still on the fence about it since he had to get his paw...dirty on his job.Ruby has getting better from his injure and he's back on his job serving Jade's ass.I didnt saw Garnet with them so i think she's not done with the hunting job.Pearl had to go visit Steven and Connie and see if them could let them go for a while so it left me,Sapphire, Amethyst,Jasper,Peridot and Lapis at the field.

Rose~"Hey guys!",i yelled from afar and get their attention.

Jasper~"Sup' Rosey"

Lapis and Peridot~"Hey,Rose",they said in unison.

Amethyst waved while Sapphire just smiled at me.

Rose~"How's your day goes?"

Jasper~"Same shit as always"

We all laugh.

Lapis~"Soo....what's the thing you what to tell us about earlier?"

I inhaled deeply and let it out slowly,making sure that im ready for this.I look at each of them the i stop at Sapphire who is giving me a nod.I smiled at her and sitting down.

Rose~"I what to tell you that....The Alpha....had decided that...they will change the coronation day to next week which is three days from now...",i then look at each of their faces,most of them were shocked at this but not for Sapphire and Lapis,so im guessing Sapphire had already told Lapis about this.

Amethyst~"D-does that means you and Sapphire will be one of The Alphas in three d-days",he asked still in shocked.

Rose~"Im afraid it is Amethyst"

Jasper~"Soo what are you waiting for!..."

Rose~"Huh?",i look at him in confusion.

Jasper~"Use your damn brain already and think for an escape plan!...three days is not three weeks ya' know",i smiled at him and nodded.

Rose~"You right,i need to focus for an escape plan"

Jasper~"That the spirit,i cant wait to leave this damn hell already"

Pearl~"ROSEEE!",i turn around and saw Pearl running towards us with Steven and Connie.They both still in leash making them slower then Pearl.


Rose~"STeven!",i ran and hug him.We both whining happy to see each other as he rubbing his body againts my leg.

Steven~"Mom!,i miss you so much!"

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