Part 3

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As he approached the Mumball, with the city of Bumbo surrounding said storage system, Grian knew something was wrong in a glance. The lag that usually dominated the place was reduced to nothing, and some of the farms were covered in cobwebs. Knowing Mumbo, he could have just forgotten about the farms due to his spoonish behaviour, but Mumbo would never forget his 0-tick sugarcane farm. That was his proud and joy of his life, and Grian remembered vividly a very caffeinated Mumbo talking about that farm to him for two hours straight.

After a rough landing on Scar's terraforming, Grian cruised towards the general direction of the Mumball, occasionally stopping by to gape at some redstone or laugh at Mumbo's monotone builds. As friends, Grian felt the need to give his opinion and criticize everything in sight, which he proceeded to do in his head, a faint memory reminding him to tell Mumbo when he finally shows up in Grian's face. 

Looking up at the extreme height of the storage system, Grian stood still for a while. Never had he seen the system in all its glory, from the ground upwards... it was an incredible feat, to say the least, such vast amount of resources used and just the sheer size of the structure.

Grian took the soul sand elevator in the middle of Mumbo's ice beam (Which Grian thought was ironic, due to a certain mustached man loving ice) and popped out in Mumbo's biome area. Searching far and wide in the area, he spotted no mustache other than the painting graffiti that *cough* Grian had totally not done to annoy his fellow Architech. Admitting defeat after nearly getting mauled to death by Mumbo's pet polar bears (Who actually survived against all odds) Grian took off into the sky and decided to take an aerial approach to the search, which after thirty minutes, yielded no results. He went as far as to check Mumbo's ancient treehouse way back in the season, before his allergies kicked in and the dust and sneezing made it impossible for any human to search. 

Grian, not giving up, decided to check Mumbo's underwater bunker, really not expecting any result from the crippled and rotting base.

To make matters worse, Mumbo had taken away the conduit, forcing Grian to drink the water-breathing potion he somehow had in his inventory.

As the blonde swam through the kelp and coral, he couldn't help but notice the flickering and malfunctioning lights that littered the ceiling of the base. Perhaps it was the water that had got into the glowstone, otherwise nothing worth worrying about. Grian continued his journey, finally reaching a dry place, the nostalgic 'buildstone' quarters.

Looking around, he spotted a british nametag not far away, though he wasn't sure which route to take.

Taking a running pace, he rushed into the buildstone quarters, before accidently stepping on a stone pressure plate and falling down as the pistons in front of him removed the ground under him.

Landing in water, Grian looked around, bewildered by the sudden turn of events.

A loud screech interrupted his thoughts, causing the blonde to jump, pull out his sword and clamber out of the muddy water.

As he surveyed his surroundings, he realized that the ground in front of him was littered with pressure plates, each one linked up with a dispenser, possibly with arrows. The room was lit only by one chandelier of four end rods, and even those were flickering as the chandelier swayed dangerously from side to side. As Grian neared the traps, he began to hear voices coming from the door to the next room- one of a terrified Mumbo, the other... Grian couldn't make out who or what it was, but it sounded like glass breaking, definitely a man.

"Give it to me, Mumbo Jumbo. Give it now." The man rasped dangerously, as Mumbo audibly and clearly squirmed.

"Wha-What?" Mumbo asked, his confusion and fear audible, which made Grian gulp. "I- I literally have - absolutely no idea - no idea whatsoever - what?"

The man growled, his patience obviously wearing thin. "The scroll, Mumbo. The scroll. The scroll of the trilogy."

Mumbo paused for a few seconds, as horror overtook Grian over what the man said. "I have no idea what you're talking about." Mumbo said defiantly as the expectant man sighed.

"Maybe. Maybe... I was wrong. But..." The man, though Grian couldn't see him, gave a crooked smile. "Someone knows. Someone does, Mumbo Jumbo, and prepare for the worst." A slight shuffling sound and more screeches followed, causing Grian to grip his sword more tightly. "Isn't that right... Xelqua?"

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