Part 2

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Grian lay his shivering friend onto the bunk bed inside the old G-team base. Though it was slightly more dustier and a few cobwebs were strewn across the ground, it felt nostalgic to once again look at the quartz and the concrete and the terracotta. Ah, the good old days.

Poultry man whimpered slightly in the bed, causing Grian to jump, all nostalgic moments forgotten, and rush to the chicken-man's side, feeling for a pulse.

"Poultry man! Thank God! Thank God you're alive!" Grian rejoiced at his friend's consciousness as he coughed and spluttered, unsure of his surroundings. Grian stood over him, splashing several healing potions on his friend (Personally, he prefered the cheaper and more effective drinking potions, but in this case splash potions were more efficient).

"What - What - What?" Poultry man spluttered, clucking and sitting on his bed. 

"Are you okay, Poultry Man?" Grian asked tenderly, rummaging in the cabinet nearby for some Golden apples. As this was a bunker of war, surely Cleo, the medic, would have left some golden goods in here.

"I seem... fine," Poultry man said in his deep voice, flexing his wings and throwing an egg at the wall.

Grian pulled out three golden apples and threw it at him, who caught it in delight and started to snack on them.

"So," Grian said, plopping down on to the bed next to Poultry man, "What happened?"

Poultry man looked up from his apple and his eyes met Grian's.

"Well, to be honest with you, I really... do not know," he said with uncertainty. "I... I can't remember anything." 

"Nothing?" The other replied. "Nothing at all?"

"Nothing." Poultry man repeated. "Nothing at all."

Both remained silent for a while, Poultry man slightly fidgeting on the white mattress.

"You never really were much of a liar, were you?" Grian whispered, breaking the tranquil silence. "Come on, spit it out. You can trust me, we've been friends for as long as this season goes!" 

His feathery counterpart sighed. "So, I was on a short - trip - to Paris, Nice, you know, those cities in France. You know, just to, relax, and enjoy a baguette and a bagel, kick my feet up and drink wine, get a break from all the egg-throwing hero business. I brought Sally with me - I absolutely adore her, and Fedora seamt quite insistent on tagging along, so I didn't refuse. The trip itself was fun, went to the Eiffel Tower, ate bread, yolked around, blah blah, it was after the trip when the trouble started. After the plane came through, Mumbo and Stress came and took Fedora away to do her annual check-ups, and I took little Sally to her house, like usual. Sally's parents were there, looking as amiable as ever - nice family, nice family - so I asked them if I could crash in for the night, which they answered yes. I occupied the guest room, playing with Sally for a while before I slept. And then..."

Grian leaned forward, eager to hear more.

"And then it came. It was like - like a supernova, a bit calmer. A vortex - no - vapor of some sorts, colorful, hot, mostly reddish-orange. When it spoke, it had - it had a voice like breaking glass, deep and dark, obsidian-like features. He - he spoke to me." Poultry man remained silent after this, feathers shaking.

"What did he say to you?" Grian questioned further, eager and concerned.

"He... he said: Ah, Poultry man. The - best - hero of the Hermitcraft server. Such a pity if you were ever to disappear. Of course, I panicked seeing the vapors, and as you know, panic leads to silence for me. You see, I am unstable - useless - in this form. I am nothing that I am, only a tiny piece of what I truly am. Broken... into so many shards. At this point, I knew what he was trying to do - this happened in movies which I have watched, books I have read. I said, Of course I wouldn't help you! Who even are you in the first place? He chuckled, replied: You need not to know who I am, or why I'm here. All I need is you. With that, I felt a pain closing up my throat, invisible cords strangling me, choking me. All you are, little pawn, is a fragmentation on Grian's mind. With simple willpower, me, and frankly even the hermits can destroy and control your every move. I do not know why those idiots idolize you weak piece of poultry."

He continued. "I felt him release me, and in my desperation and panic, I pleaded to him, to not kill me, and I would do whatever he wanted. The vapors contorted and formed a smile eerily looking down at me. Whatever... I want? Well then, you've just accepted my offer."

Grian sat there, confused. "And then?"

"Then, he cackled, flew straight towards me and I blacked out, to find you here, in this room."

Without warning, Poultry man burst into tears.

"I - I - let him consume me - I was afraid of death - so afraid - that I neglected what to do - what was right - I failed - failed all of you - acted like a coward - not a hero - not like a hero should've done..."

Grian jumped up, pulled a handkerchief from the drawer and went to comfort Poultry man. "There, there... everyone is afraid of death, who isn't? Sometimes, even heroes need heroes..."

Poultry man dabbed his eyes. "The least I could do is to help you on your quest. I know you suspect the Convex - I know, because of the tatoo - so here's a few tips before I go -"

"Go?" Grian asked. "Why don't you come with me? You're the hero everyone knows and loves!"

"You do not understand. This is a Hermit's war. This is not mine to fight. Did you not hear? With one thought, nearly anyone could vanquish me and send me to the void. What use could I be?" Poultry man said. "Now, about the tips, I think you should take some eggs." He threw some at Grian. "You should also take healing in case, food and your ender chest for emergencies."

"To start your quest to find the vapors, I believe you should start with Scar. He's the more amiable of the two ConCorp guys, not to mention he lives closer to you than Cub does."

Grian nodded, mentally taking notes from this war-hardened veteran hero.

"I also highly suggest you take a comrade - possibly Mumbo or Iskall, since they are your friends and will be enthusiastic to help you. It's a life-saver to have a buddy watching your back. After all, if only a fragment of his power could possess, kill and control... who knows how powerful his full form would be?"

The pair shuddered and Poultry man readied his elytra.

"Good luck, Xelqua. Poultry man... Out."

And without warning or a proper goodbye, he flew out of the G-Team base.

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