Part 7

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Arrows flew everywhere, lodging themselves into walls, into slight crevices, into a red-hooded man's shoulder. He grunted and forcefully wrenched the arrow from his shoulder, drawing blood.

Grian held his sword tightly as the vex slowly flew towards him, crossbow in hand and a wicked expression etched on his face. Leisurely reaching for another arrow in his quiver, the vex smirked at the cowering Mumbo behind him and the determined Grian before him. He had both brits under mercy, and he was sure the next arrow would hit it's target, no matter how skilled Grian was, he was still a human. A weak human.

Nocking the arrow that would seal Xelqua's fate, the vex readied himself, as did his unaware victim.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, several vexes burst in from behind Grian, tackling him and pinning him to the ground. The diamond sword he was holding clattered against the floor, sliding across the smooth stone floor... lying to a stop next to a pressure plate... onto a pressure plate. The vex captain screamed as arrows flew out of nowhere, impaling the unfortunate vexes who indirectly shielded Grian from the massacre. Their corpses fell lifeless to the floor, releasing their grip on the panting and struggling Grian.

Growling at the sudden and unexpected interruption, the only remaining vex, the captain, nocked another arrow and aimed straight at Grian's head, which was exposed as he was still lying down, battered by the interrupting vexes.


The captain snarled and aimed his crossbow at the newcomer, who raised his hands - no, wings in surrender. The scared vex flew across the battlefield and whispered inaudibly to the captain, who questioned him in the same tone. The vex replied, and with a wave of the captain's hand and a nod of his head, the vex phased out of the building.

Slowly, the captain's head turned menacingly to face Grian once again, crossbow in hand, locked and loaded.

"You're lucky, Xelqua, this one time. The lord wants you alive. But take no comfort, I will kill you whenever I get the chance." He snarled and gracefully landed, lashing out with a rope and binding the exhausted Grian's arms. Mumbo tried to wriggle out of his restraints, but too no avail. The captain threw Grian inside harshly, who barely managed to stay upright.

"Now, stay there like the idiots you are, and I'll try not to kill you after this ends."

If looks could kill, the captain would be nuked by Mumbo and Grian.

"Oh, and Mumbo, your Polar Bears are dead. Toast."

Mumbo squirmed in rage, causing the captain to frown at him and kick him in the legs.

"Shut up, you big baby-"

Grian's eyes suddenly lit a dim purple, effectively lighting the room the same way. Energy and strength coursing through his veins, Grian slid under the vexes legs, tripping him as doing so. Rolling to a side as the first arrow flew at him, Grian locked his legs around his fallen sword and thrusted it to the vex, piercing his left wing. The vex howled in pain and shot an arrow randomly, which Grian easily dodged by ducking. Rolling under the vexes legs once again, he slammed his binds across the sword stuck in the wall, roughly cutting the rope and freeing his gnarled hands. The groaning vex aimed another sloppy arrow at Grian, this time missing completely and ricocheting back to pierce his leg. He cursed and used his slow vex magic to heal himself, whilst Grian freed Mumbo and handed him his sword.

"Grian! What - wha - they-" Mumbo spluttered, gripping the sword.

"Shush. Talk later, fight now!" Grian whipped a trident from his inventory and threw it at the healing vex, who dodged it and produced an iron sword from his pocket. Still healing, he charged at the duo single-handedly, Mumbo easily fending off the attack as Grian retrieved his trident.

The vex, now healed up fully, drew another Iron sword from his back. He struck at Grian, who struggled to block it with his trident, before Mumbo hit him with the flat side of the blade. Grunting, he jumped up the wall, back flipping and staying airborne, pulling out his trusty crossbow and firing at the two brits. Grian threw a trident at him, as did the vex but with a sword, and the two collided with a shower of sparks. Mumbo, seeing the vexes disadvantage, leaped forward and jabbed at his leg, leaving a gash in his already wounded and shot leg. The vex shrieked and limped, trying to make his final stand with vex combat magic, but it was no match to the two skilled hermits enclosing from both sides. Parry, strike, jab, slice, dodge, roll, pierce. The three combatants fought with fury and pain, until the ve was overwhelmed and finally attempted an airborne retreat.

He disintegrated after Mumbo threw a sword at his head, leaving only bits and pieces of flesh and vex everywhere.

Grian and Mumbo stared at each other, breathing ragged breaths and sustaining slight injuries.

No fighting, or laughing, or talking about Sahara, just staring. Into each others eyes, grateful for such a friend to be present, always, at their side.

And they had absolutely no problem with it.

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