Nightly Visitors - Freddyland pt. 3

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Michael sat alone on the bed in the room. He had been a little nervous about being alone after spending all day surrounded by people (Did the animatronics count as people? He figured they did.) but he was actually taking it pretty well. He studied the numbers for a bit before flipping the page and using the pen to take a few notes of his own. He spent about an hour writing down things he knew and different theories about what would be the danger to the worlds. Eventually he let himself relax and closed the notebook, putting it in the drawer beside the bed. He pulled of his hoodie, laid down and slept.


Elsewhere the were multiple figures pacing a room as they argued and fought.

"I don't understand how you keep failing at catching them!" Twisted Foxy growled at Twisted Chica and Twisted Wolf. "They're a human and a child!"

"It's not like you did any better!" Twisted Wolf spat back. "You also failed need I remind you! You also almost got caught!"

The two got in each others face as they growled ready to start full on brawling.

"Enough! Both of you!" Twisted Freddy cut in. "It's obvious that our tactics aren't working. We need a new plan."

"Like what?" Twisted Chica sighed, crossing her arms. "What can we do but chase them as we have been?"

Before Twisted Freddy could respond the room darkened and was chilled. They all jumped to their guard putting their backs together and preparing to fight. A group of shadows in the corner all at once seemed to warp until they morphed into a large black mass. This mass was quite different to the one Michael saw. It was much larger and also let of an energy that would make the toughest tremble.

"Perhaps," it drawled as it moved towards them, "I can help you."

They eyed him suspiciously before Twisted Freddy spoke up. "How can you help us?"

It wavered in what seemed to be amusement. "Fetching the human and small one will be no difficulty for me. It will be as easy as me grabbing them and reappearing here." It paused before adding on. "However there is something I require from you. A quid pro quo if you will."

"What do you want?" Twisted Chica asked.

It's voice turned from the silky drawl to an angered growl. "The demigod. I require you to bring him to me. Or if it better suits you, kill him. I'm not bothered either way, as long as he is out of my way. Do you agree to my terms?"

The Twisted animatronics shared a few looks before Twisted Foxy barked out a laugh. "Aye, it seems you've got yourself a deal!"


Michael jerked awake, lunging out of bed and was immediately ready to attack, spear pointed at the intruder. The intruder was a very familiar man with ginger hair and a messenger bag. He put his hands up as Michael aimed the spear at him. Michael sucked in a breath as he stepped back and lowered his weapon.

"Hermes!?" He stared in shock. "What are you- I'm so sorry!" Michael hastily bowed as he apologized. He just almost attacked a God! Not just any God but his best friends father at that!

He chuckled. "Don't worry about it Michael."

Righting himself Michael breathed  sigh of relief. "What are you doing here?"

"Special delivery." Hermes cheerful smile was replaced by a grim look. "Things are gonna get a lot worse, sooner rather than later." He warned as he pulled a letter from his bag. "There's a new enemy coming for you. They will stop at nothing to end you quest early. You must not let that happen."

Michael nodded as he took the letter. "I will do my best to complete this task sir."

"You're best may not be enough. Be sure to make allies as you travel. I'm sure you of all people understand the importance of friends and allies."

Michael frowned. He hadn't wanted to inform anyone of his quest but it seems that he may have to. "I understand."

Hermes watched him for a long moment before sighing. "You caused my son a lot of grief you know? Him and Apollo's son as well as Aphrodite's daughter visit you're grave often." Michael flinched slightly but didn't respond. Hermes sighed again. "Here. Ritchie left this on your grave. He'll probably be livid when he finds it gone but I figure it would sere you better with you instead on laying on the ground of an empty grave." He reached into his bag again and pulled out a familiar purple shield.

"Aegis!" He took the shield and quickly fastened it to his arm. He'd left it at his cabin when going to the Cave of Erebus for the last time. He'd figured he'd no longer need it and hadn't bothered taking it with him. "Thank you, sir."

Hermes waved him off. "Don't worry about it. If you do this correctly then the Gods will be the ones thanking you." He looked at his phone and sighed. "It's time for me to go. More packages to deliver and all." He looked back up locking eyes with Michael. "Good luck Michael, child of Athena." He then he was gone.

Michael stood for a moment before letting himself fall back onto the bed. Glancing at the clock on the nightstand he groaned. It was only about four thirty and the sun hadn't risen yet but he knew he wouldn't get back to sleep. So instead he grabbed his jacket and yanked it on. He paused for half a moment looking at Aegis before continuing out of his room. If the mist could hide the Art of War then it would hide Aegis as well. Plus the weight was a familiar comfort he wasn't quite willing to remove.

He exited the hotel and took a deep breath as he looked around the dark amusement park. It was quiet and still in the area as he turned to walk around and think over some things. He was feeling conflicted as he thought on Hermes words. He was sad that his friends were mourning him still but it also made him happy. He'd always had this innate fear of being forgotten and knowing that he wasn't was a comfort. However Hermes had also delivered worse news. He suddenly remembered the letter that was still clutched in his hand. He scanned the area and finding it empty pulled open the envelope.

He sighed as he realized it was basically just a written version of what Hermes had told him. He growled and angrily stuffed it into his jacket pocket. They could have at least given him some useful information! Then Michael felt something brush against his hand still in his pocket.

Pulling it out he found another envelope. He glanced around once more, this time in confusion. Where had it come from? Hermes hadn't given him two so when did he get this? Michael tried to open the envelop only to frown as it refused to open. He tried the seal first before trying to rip it open but no matter what he did it didn't open. Michael re looked over the seal and sighed. It was being held with magic. If he didn't find a way to counter act the magic holding it, there was no way he would get to see the contents. By this point the sun was starting to rise and he started to head back to the hotel. He wasn't yet sure whether he wanted to let the animatronics know that he was wondering alone. Most seemed pretty inclined to him already but it was obvious that both Rockstar Freddy and Helpy remained skeptical of him.

He returned to his room and continued to write information and theories. He sat for a while before before he was interrupted by a knock on the door. 

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