Changes - Freddyland pt. 7

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Michael woke to the sound of people whispering. His first thought was that it was Ritchie and Austin before remembering where he was (and also that they didn't know how to whisper) and he let his eyes open. He lifted his head from it's resting spot and rubbed his eye looking up to see Freddy, Happy Frog, Helpy, and Lefty standing there. He glanced over and felt his eyes widen. Bryan was asleep next to him, still leaning against the top of the bed, shirt crumpled from where Michael had been leaning. He blushed embarrassed to be seen acting so kid like. He stood careful to not disturb the other and turned to face the animatronics.

"Uh, hi." He waved to the animatronics. "What, uh, what are you doing here?"

Freddy seemed to smirk. "We were wondering if you knew where Bryan was. I didn't see him leave last night and when he didn't show up this morning I got a little worried. Not that I had any reason to be it seems."

Michael forced down an embarrassed flush as he turned away and awkwardly cleared his throat. "Yeah... Well I'm going to go an shower if you'll excuse me."

He quickly ducked past them and nearly dove into the bathroom, barely hearing Lefty coo a teasing. "Aww, that's just adorable."

Michael shut the door a and paused for a moment to listen to them waking Bryan. Once it seemed they were fully occupied he buried his face in his hands. He couldn't believe he'd broken down like that. And making Bryan stay the night with him!? What had he been thinking!? He sighed and shook his head. He knew exactly what he was thinking. He was still struggling with having been alone as long as he'd been. He was, as much as he loathe to admit it, lonely and affection starved. He'd basically treated Bryan as though he were Ritchie and he wasn't sure whether that made him feel better or worse. 

Raising his head he forced himself to shake out his thoughts. He had far more important matters to attend to.

Someone was trying to stop him.

Someone wanted him dead.

Someone wanted to destroy this world and many more.

He had to do something. But what?

The answer was obvious. He had to track down the person who tried to get the twisted to stop him. It was pretty obvious that if they wanted to stop him, it was because they were intending for the destruction of the worlds to happen. They may even be one of the causing factors, so finding them was the most pressing issues. The easiest way to do it would be to track down the twisted animatronics so that he could ask them what they knew. He'd already proven that he was more skilled then them so if he was lucky they wouldn't try to attack him again but he could be wrong.

He sat on the floor and glared at the wall. There was also the chance that there were more twisted animatronics and if that were the case there'd be no way for him to ensure his victory. A part of him was sure that he'd be able to beat them if he had to but he pushed it away. Number one rule of surviving while being a demigod was to not underestimate your opponents or overestimate yourself. He knew where his skills laid, the twisted animatronics however were an unknown variable and he wasn't sure how skilled they were. How did they match up to, say, Bryan's animatronics?

He shook his head and stood. There was no way for him to answer most of these questions on his own. He needed more information (Which by this point was getting old. Couldn't the Gods just tell him what he needed to know!?) Michael sighed again and ran a hand through his hair wincing at the gross feel of it. He looked down at himself and groaned in frustration. He'd have to focus on the task later. For now, however, he was a mess. Dirt smeared on his pants and jacket, other gross dust(?? Dirt? He wasn't quite sure) covered his hoodie, most likely from the circus tent. He is clothes were an awful mess but it's not like he had anything else to wear.

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