seattle to new jersey

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Today's the day. I lived with my dad in Seattle. My mom lived in New Jersey with my twin brother Alvaro. I miss him. He was my bestfriend before my dad had moved to seattle. My parents were divorced but me and my brother had to accept it. Me and Alvaro had a choice who to stay with. We decided it was best for one of us to be with one of our parents. My life back in jersey was great. I had great friends. All girls of course. But that soon changed when I left. I left when I had just started middle school. Don't get me wrong here in Seattle is great. But I do miss my brother and mom.

4 years later I'm about to start my sophomore year in Seattle. Until my dad got a job opportunity in... Utah. Nope. I could not. I did not want to move there. At all. My dad had tried to convince me for a while but I couldn't. Nj and Seattle weren't to far from eachother so I got to see my mom and brother every so often because flights were cheap. But Utah?? That's crazy. I could literally NEVER. I decided that it would be best if I just had moved back home to my mom. She did get a new house there so it was going to be weird. But I'm excited to finally get my bestfriend back.

I'm not trippin I got hoes in Seattle. But I never date. Negative. It wasn't my thing. Whenever I liked a guy and they liked me back I lost intrest. It's just how high school went for me. Had my small group of girl friends and small group of guy friends. Everyone was fine with me and so was I.

Incoming call from Varo
Al: what time does your plane land!?
H: umm I think 8:45 am?
Al: okkk goooddd me and mom will get you then!
H: okkkk thank youuu I miss you so much and you better make sure my room is nice you big dummy
A: whatever you ruined the moment stay in Seattle
A: okk haha but be safe on the flight and text when you land!
H: ok bye ily see you later!
End of call

I was so excited to see my brother! My bestfriend! I was starting at a new high school but I just hope Alvaro doesn't leave me by myself. He has tiktok fame but I don't associate myself with it. He has some handsome friends but I never ever talk to them. I don't even think they know I exist lol. But that's fine. I was not allowed to pack my entire room. Just my clothes and other important stuff. My mom was rich and so was my dad so my parents said it would be easier for them to just buy everything again in NJ.

Haileys dad = Hd

Hd: be safe baby okay!!
H: I know I know

I say back to my dad. I'm gonna miss him so much. Like seriously. I love him. He's the only guy that's never hurt me.

Hd: don't be spending all your money everywhere!
H: I know I wonnttt
Hd: remember I can watch what your spending! If I see any unnecessary things I-
H: yesss I know pa I won't!
Hd: okay just making sure. Be safe there. And tell your mom and brother I miss them. I love you baby be safe. And I'll transfer some money to your moms account to get you your things okay?
H: okkk my plane is about to board. I love you dad. And I'll miss you so much!!

My dad then is giving me a tight hug and kissing my forehead. I bord my plan and instantly put in my airpods. My mom and brother had already set up my bed. It was a queen size with a grayish color sheeting. I had ac in the rooms already. All I needed was like a table couch, and vanity. Wait can't forget a big mirror haha. I know I know. I seem like the biggest spoiled brat EVER. But I worked for this. My dad worked at a engineering place. Whenever I got the chance u would instantly go and help him. If it was buliding, moving things anything. I helped him with nothing in return. Not all spoiled kids are brats. Same goes for varo. Our mom worked at a business firm. Alvaro helped in any way he could. If it was helping her sort things move things anything. We're not brats and we don't flex like other weird kids. Alvaro does have his own kinda income now since he's been doing tiktok. Obviously I make tiktoks but never post them. It's for my own entertainment haha. I gained some followings from Alvaro only when he post a picture of us that we take when I visit or he visits. I didn't really care because I posted every so often. We were maternal twins. Meaning we were twins that didn't look exactly the same. Maybe a little but not entirely. Okay okay anyways that's that. Both my parents were Hispanic. I definitely got a lot of the Hispanic genes including Alvaro.


FINAALLLYYYY. My plane landed oh my gosh. My neck was sore and I sat next to an old man. He fell asleep the whole ride but I felt like he was going to fall on top of me because his head was slowly falling. I immediately text Alvaro that I landed and what gate I was going to be at. He said they were already here and heading to the gate. I went and grabbed three of my luggage's. Yes I know I have a lot of clothes and shoes shut up. I grab them and I desperately struggle to walk them over to the door when I see Alvaro. He immediately runs over to me and hugs me.


He gave me that nickname back when we were kids and I gave him that nickname also when we were kids. I hug him and then my mom. My mom was definitely stunning. More stunning that before. She could get any guy she wanted probably haha. We all head to the car and I throw my things into the truck. "Okay how about we go and get you your table and couch first??" My mom says. I nod and we head off to target. Target has everything so obviously everything I wanted was already there. I got myself a white table that had drawers on the sides and an open in the middle for a chair. I got a black chair with metal as the legs. It was very nice. I then got another table but smaller for the side of my bed and a cute white lamp. I could not forget my couch. It was a gray one. Not to big just the two big squares. I wanted it to match my bed so yea. I get some things I need like soap toothpaste etc. They had everything there already so we just got them dropped off at our house. The same day! Very rare for that to happen but I guess I was very lucky. We got home and I walked into our fricken house. It was huge. When you walk in the left was the kitchen already and that was huge. It was like an island table with high chairs around it then another table for regular chairs. Walking more in was the living room. It had high ceiling and a chandelier that was up high. The couches formed an L and there was a big tv up there. Outside was a yard. Very nice one. There was also my moms room down here. And a guest bedroom. The bathroom was next to the bedroom of course. I walked upstairs and then their was another living room but smaller. It was more of a movie theater but you could look over the rail and the living room was under. There was only two rooms up here. Both being a master one. I walked into my room and wow it was nice. My bed was already here and made since my mom them already got one for me way before. I already knew where I wanted everything. I wanted my table to meet next to my bed but facing the wall. And the other side my couch. And of course my TV was already hanging up infront of my bed. One one side of my tv was my bathroom. And on the other side was my closet. It was a walk in one. Ahhhh why didn't I move sooner. I unpacked my bags into my closet and surprisingly we forgot to buy hangers but my mom obviously was clutch and had a whole set unused in her room. I hanged up all my clothes and put my shoes on racks in there. I was happy. So happy.

Messing Around • Alejandro Rosario Where stories live. Discover now