catch these hands

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Me and varo arrive at school and walk up to everyone at the front of the school. I did make a new friend over the years. Her name was Ella. She was kind of the opposite of me but also the very much same. We both had long black straight hair. Decent height and we both had the same body features. Her chest was just smaller then mines LOL. Anyways we've become very close over these months and now bestfriends. She knows everything about what happened between me and ale. She hasn't been here the past few days due to her being on a trip. She has the fattest crush on mattia but she won't ever say anything. Our group is now, me, ella, ale, mattia, kairi, Robert, Alvaro, roshaun and sometimes others.

I quickly walk up to hug Ella. "I MISSED YOU UGLYYYY!!" I say pulling her into the biggest hug. "I MISSED YOU TOOO!!" She says hugging me back. I say hi to the rest of the boys and ale just gives me a slight smile as I return it also. That's when Ella pulls me away.

E: OKAY SOO!!! What's up with you guys?? Didn't you say you ended things with him?
H: errmmmm I diidd but we're still friends so it's no biggie
E: yea okay from friends to friend with benefits to talking to friends only? Impossiibbblleee hailey.
H: I know I know but I just can't shake what happened w him and Vic!
E: man she can catch these hands I swear!
H: the only hands she will catch are mines ok.

We both laugh and walk back to them. We all talk till the bell rings and we all head to our first class. We had 2-5 periods only today. So I was happyyyyyy. I walked into my class and ale was sitting there. I went up to him and sat next to him. "Hey." He said as I sat down. I said hi back and quickly Vic caught my eye as she walked through the door. Everything hit me but I wasn't going to let that bring me down. My smile does slightly go down but it's fine. Alejandro notices my slight discomfort and puts his hands around my shoulder. "So wanna come over today?" He asked. "Hmmmmm how about no?" I said making him annoyed. "Oh come onnnn." He said begging just to get interrupted by Vic. "Hey baby wyd?" She said as I looked at her. "Don't call me that." Alex says. I giggle a little and she rolls her eyes and walks off. "So?" Ale asked again. "Ask me again after school." I say to him making him roll his eyes also. I laugh a little inside. The period ends and we walk to the next period. Vic was also there to. Annooyyyinnnggg!!! I sat on a diffrent lab table just for her to come and sit next to me as ale sat across from me. I sigh and open the science text book to do the bell work.

V: sooo Alejandro when are we going out again?

I roll my eyes in disbelief. The audacity lol.

A: never...
V: what?
A: you heard me
V: oh yea so what was that at the party then?
A: i was not in the right state. Stop trying.
V: oh haha your little hoe finally forgave you or something??

Wow lol she really wants to start a fight. I roll my eyes and grab my things to sit on another table. I don't have time to play with her little mind tricks. If she wants to step we can step. But right now I'd rather be fucking at home so talking to her won't help. I sit next to this kid I never really talked to but did occasionally. "Hey." I say to the kid I never really talked to. He looked at me and gave me a smile. "Is this seat taken?" I say. "No you're good." He says. Hector was really sweet. He wasn't like all the other guys. Player and all. He was really nice and sincere. He was cute but he was like a little baby. A cute one. We made small convo as ale did eye him out sometimes. "So whats up with you and ale?" He asks me. "Ale?" I say confused. I never talked about him to hector before, I mean I never really even talked to hector?? "Yea he obviously can't take his eyes off you and I'm pretty sure he's giving me a death stare as we speak." Hector says making me look at ale and ale quickly looks away. "Haha um nothing. Anyways I never noticed how chill you were haha." I say making him smile to avoid another conversation about ale. "Yea most people think I'm a stubborn idiot." We both laugh and continue to work. The bell rings for lunch and I walk out with hector. "Hey it was nice talking to you. See you tomorrow." I say to hector making him blush. I walk to my locker to put my books in there when I close it to see there she is. Victoria.

V: stop trying to steal my mans
H: which one again?
V: oh shut it Alejandro!
H: oh that one, I can't help how good I look.
V: you look like a whore
H: love have you looked in the mirror?

I say laughing.

V: stfu!!! He won't ever go for you.
H: that's not what he said to me in bed

I say whispering to her as I slowly turned around

V: OH YEA! He had fun with me at the party bitch!!!

I turn back around and walk back over to her.

H: oh yea I know. But he didn't finish did he? In bed he came faster then I could say his name. Get out of my face.
V: UM NO!!
H: And guess what... he was drunk and regrets everything Vic. Sit down or catch these hands dumbass.

I say walking away before she pulls my hair. I instantly turn around and get out of her grip and punch her across the face. She holds her face surprised that I had that much strength. "Still wanna go?" I say before I feel arms wrap around my waist and pull me. I can already smell the mint off him. Alejandro. "Chill out hailey!" He says pulling me away. I pull out of his grip and yell. "She pulled my hair!!" I say out of frustration. I would usually never act out like that but she pushed it. She only got a punch so it's not even that big of a deal lol. All the boys come up to me and so does Ella. "DAMN HULK." Mattia says to me as I swat his shoulder. "Oh shut it your built like a chop stick." He gets embarrassed and I hug him telling him I'm kidding. "You good??" Kairi asked. "Of course." Say showing my face with no hits. "Ooooo if mom finds out you're deaadddd!!" Alvaro says. "Stfu dumbass." I say laughing with all of them. We talk about the little incident and go to get lunch.

Everything seems normal. Alejandro is still flirting with me and I'm still playing hard to get. It's fun haha. Especially when half the school wants him but he only wants me. Yessiirrr. The rest of the school days goes by fast and we all end up at my house. All of them stay in the living room as me and Ella we're making popcorn and cookies. We sat on the counter making tiktoks and laughing. "Okay so are you guys even making the snacks??" Mattia says, "we are the snacks." Ella says as I give her a surprised look at how bold she was. "Hailey is." Alejandro says giving me a wink as I roll my eyes. Such a flirt. I love it. But hate it? Not sure. Yet.... well that's when mar texted me.

Yo wyd

Nothing how come?

I'm mfff bored yoooo

Come over all the boys are here

Bet me and samy comin

I yelled out to the boys letting them know they were coming and they all said ayyeee or something but Alejandro. He sat there and rolled his eyes. A CHILD a motha fuckin child ahahaha.

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