do you care?

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Incoming call from Alejandro

H: hello?
A: can you come over? Please?
H: sure what for?
A: me and Vic broke up...
H: oh shoot okay I'm coming
End of call

Wow I never seen it coming. They had there ups and downs but it looked like they were doing fine. I head over and into his room.

H: hey hey are you okay?
A: no
H: what even happened I thought you guys were-
A: were not. She cheated on me.
H: oh fuck with who??
A: some lame fucking senior

I didn't know what to say. I liked her. Ish. She was nice but controlling sometimes but I couldn't say anything. After a min of silence and me comforting him he goes off.

A: was I not enough?? Like I don't understand!
H: no alex you're more then enough. She has it twisted and the next time I see her I'll probably end up punching her so pls watch me.
A: no don't it's okay it's fine she can do whatver I'm done

As those words come out his phone rings with "Victoria" written on it. I look at him and he declines it.

H: you don't want to talk it out with her?
A: shes been trying to call me and convince me to get back with her but I can't after that.
H: I understand okay give me your phone. I'm blocking her on everything.
A: shoot go for it

He says tossing me his phone. I blocked her on EVERYTHING. I did not want him associated with her. He was really hurt. Asshole

H: hey look at me. You're more then enough. Don't think otherwise okay?
A: thank you Hailey

He says as he pushes his face into mine. We move for a little when I pull back.

H: no i cant- um we can't
H: you just broke up with Vic and we said last time already.
A: i know I know I'm sorry okk it's fine I'm okay
H: you're not okay and that's fine too ale

He looks at me and just hugs me. We lay down and he lays on my chest while I played with his hair comforting him. He was always my safe place and I was always his. It's just how it worked.

Next day

We woke up and his arms were wrapped around me. It was pretty normal for me to sleep over the boys houses. My brother or mom didn't suspect anything. Since it's been a whole year already. In the beginning they suspected but finally got over it. I shook ale awake. "Are you going to the party tonight?" He vigorously nods and I laugh. It was Saturday so yak partyyyy. "Okaaayyy so if your gonna go you need to get ready early so we can go to my house so I can get ready." He says whatever and I get up from his bed and go brush my teeth. I walk out to see his mom and brother. "Hola hailey." "Hola mom." We all called eachothers parents by that name or like vice versus w pa. We were THAT close. "Heyyyyoooo emilliooo." I said smiling to him and tickling him. He was Alex's brother. Adorable one. We all eat without ale until he comes out. "Good morning to you poopy pants." His brother says making me laugh. Ale comes out yawning and stretching sitting next to me. "So how is school hailey?" His mom asks me. "It's alright I guess. I miss my dad though." I say as ale rubs his hand on my thigh to comfort me. They all know I miss my dad a lot. I visited him a few times but it wasn't the same as living with him. I smile at ale as a thank you and we continue to eat. I try to help clean but she just shoves me off.

H: okkk so the parties at 7 and ima need an hour so you need to be done by 6 so start at 5:30?
A: your a control freak
H: correction. Your bestie just likes to be on track
A: okay freak
H: fuck off

We just hang around in his room doing literally anything. Until it was time for him to change. He got ready really quick. He had his hair up for once. His Edgar haircut was not it and I knew it. We left and went to my house. He went directly into Alvaro room saying bye to me as I walked in mine. HMMM what to weaarrr. It's cold out right now.

I wasn't the type to wear to much revealing clothes

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I wasn't the type to wear to much revealing clothes. It didn't matter to me as long as I looked good and felt good. I changed and was doing light touches to my face. They all came running into my room and behind them was roshaun in a wig. I bursted out laughing and we all couldn't breathe. "DAMN LYLY CAN YOU HURRY UP." Varo says not being able to steady his breathing. I finally get up and we leave. We all head to the house and the smell of alcohol and weed take over my nostrils and I'm disgusted. Everyone's either smoking drinking or sucking on someone face. The party was at a friends house. Samy. Me and him were cool. He knew about me and mars little thing but it didn't matter. They all went to sit at a couch leaving no spot for me and ale pats his lap. I go and sit there when I see mar calling me over to the kitchen. I get up and excuse myself leaving the boys confused.

M: hey
H: oh hey
M: no bad blood?
H: nah I'm good
M: good. What's up with you and pretty boy over there?
H: Alejandro?
M: (nods)
H: nothing he's my bestfriend?
M: okay shawty

He says laughing as I nudge his shoulder. We talk and laugh till I catch Alejandro's eyes on me. I give him and slight smile and he gets up and walks away. Okaayyy lol. I go back to the couch and the boys are playing beer pong and me kairi are sitting there talking. Theyre all drinking a good amount. They don't smoke at all. I hate it when they do. But Alejandro... he's like taking shots with everyone my goodness. I have a gut feeling telling me he needs to stop before he ends up on the ground passed out but I let it go because it's a partyyy. I walk outside to the pool and sit on the chairs there. A guy comes up to me and he try's to talk to me but I just diss him off and go back inside.

?? What if I don't huh!!

Those voices sound way to familiar... ale and mar. I walk up to them and theyre shoving eachother. "HEY WTF." I say going in the middle. "Control your bitch here." Mar says. "First of all he's not my bitch and second of all why are you guys even arguing??!" I say angrily. "Cause this asshole wanted to bump into me." Alejandro says. "Are you joking? Hurry up we're leaving." I say to ale and shove everyone out the way. He drove so I took his car driving back to his house. "What's your problem??" I say to him. "Nothing." He says as he lays his head on the window. Whatever. I walk him inside and I lay him on his bed. "Okay do you want water?" He nods and I do that. I give him his water and after gulping it all down he stops me before leaving.

A: wait. Can I ask? Something?
H: sure
A: do you really not care?
H: what do you mean??
A: about me. About our fling or whatever.
H: Alejandro of course I care for you.
A: that's not what I asked. You know I love you. And I have loved you. From the day I met you. But I never went for it because you seemed uninterested.
H: ale... you don't mean that you're drunk.
A: i do. If you think about it drunk people tell the truth and are not capable of lying.
H: no...
H: um can we talk about this tomorrow? When you're sober?

He nods and I head off. I take his car with me. I'm probably gonna end up coming back anyway. I go upstairs to see varo them home they're all passed out on the couch. I laugh and lay individual blankets on all of them. "Thank you." Mattia says to me as I smile at him. I walk off to my room change out of my clothes and knock out. This was a tiring night. But before I slept all I could hear was Alejandro's words running through my veins. "Do you really not care? // you know I love you."

Messing Around • Alejandro Rosario Where stories live. Discover now