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I sit on his couch and he says, "stop come here." I give in and get up and sit next to him on his bed leaning on the head board.

A: stop messin with me mama
H: me? Noooo

He gets up and looks me in the eye and he's hovering over me as I'm laying down.

A: so I can either ask you to let me kiss you or I can just kiss you without asking... I'm-

Before he can finish his sentence I grab his neck and push his lips into mine. I give his tongue entrance and we move in sync. I turn him over and I'm sitting on his area. I feel
Him get hard. I take his shirt off and we don't break the kiss. He then he takes my shirt off and before we even do anything I say, "I dont date. Friends?" "Me neither. Benefits?" I nod and we do what we do. I take his pants off and take him in my mouth. He's big. Pretty big. I gag here and there and I find him releasing liquid down my throat. I take it like a champ and let him slide in and out of me now. Me and him are moaning like crazy. He flips me over so that I'm laying. My arms are wrapped around his back scratching it every time he slid in and out. "Babbyyy" He says info my ear. Damn this feels good. So fucking good. We both finish and we lay there in our sweat.

H: soo...
A: um do you wanna shower first or?
H: um I'll shower first I guess.

I say going to his bathroom I shower before I can remember I don't even have clothes with me. I come out and he's laying there on his bed. "Wellll I don't have clothes so can I borrow some?" He nods and gives me a long shirt and boxers. Ehh whatever. I change and go back out and letting him in. I take his sheets off and throw them in his laundry bascket. Hell just have to put on new sheets. I sit on the couch waiting for him to come out. He finally comes out with water dripping from his hair and a towel wrapped around his waist. Man this guy has abs. I stare at him and I don't even realize it.

A: like what you see?

I break myself from the gaze

H: seen better

I say looking away as he puts in clothes he sits next to me and I say,

H: I don't want anyone knowing about this. Not even your fucking friends and especially not my brother.
A: yea yea of course
H: ok so can you take me home?
A: you don't wanna stay over?
H: ale were never gonna date yk that right?
A: why not
H: for one your a player and I don't think your able to commit to one person. And tbh I think you get a lot of booty calls.
A: nah I've been ignoring my calls
H: exactly
A: nah I'm playinn
H: but I can't stay. Alvaro will know I'm with one of you guys sooo yea maybe when we start school
A: so you think we're gonna still be doing this during school?
H: I mean I feel like that's what friends with Benefits are but ok
A: I'm kidding chill ok let me get my keys

We head to my house and as I get out he says, "no kiss?" "Fine." I say giving him a kiss on his cheek. He smiles and I wave off. I run into my room hoping varo doesn't see me in his clothes. I change quickly and varo calls at me. "WHAAATTT!" I say yelling back at him. "COME TO MY ROOOMM!!" I sigh and walk in.

H: what. The. Fok. Do. You want manz
Al: chill where were you
H: went to the store to buy some shoes
Al: hmm ok um well there's a party on Thursday if you wanna come.
H: hmmm sure yea I guess who's coming?
Al: all the boys and others. Robert and mattia are gonna drive us.
H: ok bet lmk. Idk who Robert is but ok

I walk out and honestly I can't stop thinking about ale. He's just. So. Handsome. Gosh stop omg I need to stop like FUCK. Okay okay I just need sleep right? I tuck myself in and try to sleep. 30 min later and I find myself looking for my phone. Should I text him? No no I said nothing serious.... maybe just a gn? No no ok... I finally give up on myself and fall asleep.

The next day was a chill day. The boys went out and I didn't tag along just cause I didn't want anything weird. I eventually get over it. I really only did that since I slept with him lmao. I don't really care. I don't date anyways. Thank god I didn't tag along. The day went by fast as I just chilled in my room and watching Netflix. Varo comes home and gives me some food he bought for me. So considerate haha.


AHH today's the party. I know half the high school is gonna be there. So I need to look great. I hope I do. I get ready because we're leaving at 7 and it was 6. I put on some light touches to my face and I put on a cute outfit.

 I put on some light touches to my face and I put on a cute outfit

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Hmm I look fine. It's probably gonna be hot but most times I go outside and it gets cold lol. "LYLY HURRY UP!" Varo says practically screaming at the top of his lungs. "OKAY WAITTT ASSHOLLLEEE!!" I say back. I run downstairs and the boys smile at me. We all get into the cars me getting into mattia including Alvaro and ale. Alvaro sat in the front as me and ale sat next to s window. I never spoke to him just saying heys here and there. I don't drink. Or smoke. So I'd probably end up being the dd. There not even actually legal to drive but whatever. We drive to the house and ale texts me.

Why you ignoring me baby?

Don't baby me and I'm not

You didn't say anything to me since the house

Didn't think I need to say anything to you?

Weird but okay. We go to the party and he continues to flirt with me. I literally always don't care and I put on an act about it to. Because I shouldn't care. I push him off as much as I wanted to. I didn't care and I'm pretty sure he shouldn't have cared. He kept going and going throughout the night. All of them were drinking a lot I kept my water next to me. "Um I'm actually really tired. I'm leaving." I say to Alvaro. He nods and we both walk out. Alvaro doesn't drink either. We both hate it. We walk home and go to our rooms. Alejandro then texts me.

Where'd you go?


Come over.

I'm good

Come on I'm bored and drunk ish. Just come babbyyyy

Don't baby me and if you're bored you can come here

And make you moan loud enough for your brother to hear?

You're nasty bye

I'm jokinnggg
No ones home and I have gushers here.

I hate you
I know you know how much I love gushers
I'm coming bye

Messing Around • Alejandro Rosario Where stories live. Discover now