mariano castano

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Me and Ella grab the popcorn and cookies and lay it on the coffee table for them to grab. Ale pats the seat next to him and I go over and sit down as he wraps his arm around my waist. "Nope. Not here not ever not now." I say removing his hands from my waist. "Ah you're not fun baby." He says giving me a smirk. "I'm not baby and I think I'm definitely very fun." I say winking to him and getting up. "WHOS TRYNNA PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!!" I say loudly as everyone agrees. Right when we got up the door bell rang. I ran to get it and I opened it to mar and samy. "HII!" I say to them as I both pull them into a hug. "Damn shorty you gonna have me actin up." Mar says as I shove his shoulder and laugh. They walk in and they all dap eachother up. "Well we're gonna play t or d If you guys wanna join?" I said asking them. They nodded and we got started.

H: okay me first, ale truth or dare?
A: hMm truth.
H: kiss marry and kill, Ella, Vic, and um... Jenna.
A: why are you not an option?
H: because I'm too good to be any of those options
Ma: facts maaa

Mar says earning a stare from ale. I give him a smile and laugh.

E: and I'm not!!
H: I'm jkkk ellaaa

I say as we both laugh

A: fine. Kill Vic, kiss jenna, marry Ella. Even though we all know who she belongs to.

Ale says winking. Me and Ella look at each other and our eyes go wide. Wowowowowow he did not LMAO

H: okay nexxttttt
M: truth or dare hailey
H: hMm dare
M: I dare you to take ale into your closet for 5 min and come back out.
H: uH that's to easy tia.
M: then goooo

I laugh and grab ale by the hand and drag him upstairs into my closet. I can feel mars eyes follow me and ale up the stairs and I can just see Alejandro's smirk. I push open the door and close it behind us.

H: were not doing anything by the way.
A: oh really?

He says getting closer to me. He then pins be against the wall with one hand on my waist and one hand against the wall.

A: you're telling me. (As he licks his lips) that you don't want me?
H: yea I- I hate you

I say pulling him into a kiss. His tongue moves into my mouth as we make out against the wall. He lets out slight moans as I smile through the kisses. The taste of mint rolls off his tongue and into my mouth. I love it. I pull away and fix myself.

H: that's enough,

I say with a slight smirk

A: you know you liked it.
H: never said I didn't?

I say walking out the closet. He grabs my hand one more time and pulls me into a kiss, "I've missed you ma." He says pulling away. "You definitely taste good handsome." I say as we both giggle and walk back down to the living room. "WOOAAHHH YALL LAUGHING WHAT YALL DOOOO!!" Kairi says as varo rolls his eyes. "Chilll we didn't do nothing it was the most boring 5 min of my life." I say nudging ale as he sighs. We sit back down and continue the game. Mar definitely looks tense but we chillin.

A: Ella truth or dare
E: erm dare?
A: you bold huh, I dare you to make out with mattia for 10 sec
E: nah you Capppin rosario
A: nope don't be a bitch
E: fuck you

That's when Ella grabbed mattia by the shirt across the table and slipped her tongue into him. LMAO OMG SHE REALLY DID THAT. They pulled away and they were both smiling.

H: okaayyyy ellaaaa i seee yoouuuuu

I say making her laugh.

E: hope you didn't mind mattia haha
M: nah you good
E: okay okay um Alvaro truth or dare?
Al: truth
H: ah pussy
Al: fuck off
E: is it true you're trynna get with Ashley?? (The tiktoker)
Al: nah she's already mine
H: HAHA WAIT ISNT SHE 18???? You're fucking joking HAHAH
Al: stfuuu I'm gonna be 17 in like 20 days bitch
H: okkkkk headass
K: ok both of y'all stfu, truth or dare hailey?
H: me again? Didn't I just-
K: just choose dummy.
H: shit ok dare
K: I dare you to kiss mar for 5 sec, and sit on his lap for the rest of the game.
H: kairi...

I say looking around at them while they are trying to hype me up.


I say getting up and sitting in Mariano's lap.

H: are you okay with it?
Ma: always

He says smiling as I grip his shirt and give his tongue entrance into my mouth. Jesus I need Jesus. Like seriously. I remember only for 5 sec so I pull away and laugh while I wipe at my mouth.

K: damn shawty has both y'all drippinnn
H: fuck off kai
Ma: stfuuuu bro

I say laughing including mar. I look at ale and he's looking straight at his phone mad as fuck. Whoops.

We continue with the game until we all get bored.

R: nah this game boring as fuckkkkk
K: shii frr lets play suck and blow

We all get into a circle. Ale is on my right and mar is on my left. The game starts at varo and roshaun. Roshaun almost drops it but varo makes sure that it doesn't slip. He moves it to mattia who drops it and gets red. "You know what that meannsss!!" Samy says as I laugh. They both lean in for a kiss and Ella grabs the card again to continue. She passes it to kairi as kairi passes it to mar, right before the card could touch my lip it dropped causing me and his lips to attach. He laughs in embarrassment and I whisper to him that's it's okay. I grab the card and go towards ale and pass it to him when he blows it off since he's the end. He looks mad. As fuck. I'm pretty sure it's because of me and mar but like.... we're not dating... so... lol.

After the game we all decided to go out and eat at ruby tuesdays. There fries are so good LMAO. We arrive there and I had already put in reservations so we got in pretty quickly. I went inside the booth. It was me, mar, mattia, Ella on one side. And ale, kairi, Alvaro, and roshaun on the other side. Me and ale were across each other so we gave eachother glances every once in a while. We order and I make a tik tok with mar since he's been asking. In the tiktok he told me to just sit there and look at the camera... okay. He got out the frame and played it. "That's my baby yea..." he said that coming into the frame as I blushed and laughed. He posted tagging me and saying, "idek her" so funny LMAO It blows up quickly and most of the comments are,,,

just broke 233k hearts

shawty really want the whole crew!!

hold up what happen to hailey and Alejandro??

mar and Hailey>>>>

yall babies would be mad cute though 😩😩😩

I laughed along with mar at the comments. And we finished eating. We left the restaurant and said bye to mar and samy. I gave mar a hug and he whispered in my ear, "thanks for inviting me ma." He says as I hug him back. "Always castano." I say winking and saying bye to him. That's when Alejandro pulls my hand and says bye to mar...

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