brothers friends

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Alvaro comes screaming in my room that he has something for me. I open the bag and there was LED LIGHTS!! Ahhhh I had some in my old room but I took them down and threw them away since they were already kind of dying out. I hug him and he helps me put them up. Yaayyyyyy. Hours later the people from target come and unload everything. They even built everything for me HAHAHAHA. So now I'm set. I go downstairs and just thank for my mom for everything she's done for me.

Hm: haileys mom

Hm: so are you excited to start at a new school?
H: to be honest I ammm but I'm also scared no ones gonna like me and there all gonna use me to get close to varo since he's "famous"
Hm: oh don't worry honey. I'm sure varo will introduce you to his friends? Right varo?
Al: OH YEA btw there coming over after dinner to hang since school doesn't start yet.
H: oh okay I guess idc really
Hm: watch it lyly
H: sorry sorry I meant greattttt

I give them a fake smile and we all laugh. It was spring break so school started in a week. They just got in break so I'm glad I can adjust to the area again. We eat dinner at like 6 and I head back into my room. I start finishing to unpack. I put my computer on my table and put the charger next to the table. I plug in my charger for my phone and plugged it near my bed. I was kind of a photography freak. I love taking pictures. My dad bought me a cannon freshman year and it was fun to use. I plugged my camera in on my table. I had a vanity to. It had lights on the mirror so it was niceeee. I also showered. And put everything in my bathroom. My toothbrush extra toothbrush, face product shampoo conditioner towel extra towel. Just everything I needed. "HEY ALEXA PLAY HAILEYS PLAYLIST, playing Haileys playlist." I listen to music and shower.

I get out and change. I'm wearing flowy shorts and a tank top. I decide to put on a champion hoodie also since I know varos damn friends are gonna be coming over. Whatever. I grab my controller and put on Netflix watching the flash. It's been an hour and that's when I hear noise from downstairs. Dammit it's like 8 and now I know there probably sleeping over. "MIJA COME DOWN HERE" my mom says yelling. "OKAAYYY COMINNGGG." I turn my tv off and make sure I look presentable. I look great it's fine. I walk down stairs and instantly see a group of boys. Staring at me. Theirs a very tall dark skinned boy with braids on his head. Next to him is another very tall tan guy with his hair very nicely messy. Next to him is another guy slightly shorter then him with a nice brushed back hair like Alvaro. Very deep dimples. And lastly a short guy. Like Alvaro but a little shorter. Me and Alvaro are the same height so I don't think that matters lol. "Hey..." I say awkwardly. They all introduce themselves and they don't even take their eyes off of me. Yikes. "Okay guys that's enough stop drooling over my damn sister." Varo says as me and my mom laugh. "Um ha uh hey my names hailey and I'm definitely the better looking twin if you didn't notice." I say making them laugh. "Shut up." Varo says annoyed. "Whatever. Well um if you guys need me I'm gonna be in my room..." I give them a smile and walk off as my mom follows me. "Sooo I seen the way you looked at them." My said at my door of my room. "MOOOMM omg. Yea there cute but there varos friends!" I say embarrassed. "Okay mija." She says giggling. I sit on my bed and I definitely think there cute. Mostly the one with dimples. Um Alejandro? I think is his name. Yea I'm pretty sure. But his smile, dimples, and EYES. You can get fricken lost in them. Like seriously lost. He's so fucking- wait no. I can't. Nope okay. I'm gonna just do my thing. I cannot be drooling over this guy right now. I hear there footsteps go up the stairs and into varos room. The door closes and minutes later I get a knock at my door.

H: um hello?
K: sorry hey can I come in?
H: oh hey. Yea for sure. Kairi right?
K: yea haha um I just wanted to come in here and properly introduce myself.
H: haha for sure

He comes in and sits on my chair. "Sooo I'm just saying we're probably gonna get a long way  better then you do with the other guys." "Oh really?" I say laughing. "But there has to be a reason you even came here so spill." "Shit your good. Fine okay. I need help. Like a lot of it. Since your Alvaro's sister and your a girl you have to have some great advice. Sooo this girl I'm talking to. She doesn't wanna tell anyone about us talking yet and I feel like she's embarrassed of me and I don't want her to be because if she is we can never be in a relationship considering my fame and what not." "Hmm I can understand her. I feel like if you guys were actually dating and she still felt that way than it would be a problem. Maybe she just doesn't want everyone knowing yet just Incase it doesn't work out yk?" I say to him to relax him. "Shit I never even thought about that. I hope we do work out. Thanks for helping me and yak if you need my help on anything I'm here for you wheneverrrr." "Ofccc maybe you will be my new bestie. Don't tell varo! Jk." We both laugh and we exchange numbers and social media's. He says bye and goes back to varos room. I instantly get more notifications that they all followed me on Twitter ig and snap. I followed them back obviously. Alejandro was pretty good looking... but no I can't lmfaoo stop Hailey please.

I stay up till like three and I hear another knock at my door.

H: who is it?
A: Alejandro. Can I come in?
H: um yea sure.

     He comes in and sits on my couch.

H: sooo... you came here to?
A: talk to you duH
H: um okay... (I say giggling)
A: so how do you like it here so far?
H: well I kinda lived here till I started middle school then moved and now I'm back here so I think it's fine still
A: cool. Your pretty yk that?
H: yes I actually do know that. My boyfriend tells me that all the time. (I say as a joke)
A: boyfriend?!
H: ha I'm kidding you should see the look on your face
A: yea whatever. Here's my number. Text me.
H: nah I think not
A: hard to get i see. I like it.

He says getting up and grabbing my phone to put his number in and text it so he gets my number. Great. "Well this was fun but your brothers gonna wonder why I'm taking so long so see you in the morning?" He says with a smirk on his face. "I'd rather not thouughhh." I say laughing as he did to. He walked out and went back to my brothers room. That's weird. Two of them the same day?? Weiirrddd but alright. He was definitely handsome. But again I don't date haha. And he looks like he could get anyone. So thank you next haha. Or?

Messing Around • Alejandro Rosario Where stories live. Discover now