alejandro - ending chapter :)

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I wake up to see him still in my bed. What was I gonna do? I don't even know. I get up and go to brush my teeth before being pulled back into bed. "Come onnn there's no school today." Alejandro says carrying the w. "Omg you're a baby." I say to him annoyed. "Your baby." He says hugging me even closer then ever.

We finally get up and go brush our teeth.

A: hey Hailey
H: yea
A: i know it's too soon but come with me to my soccer banquet? My mom can't go so-
H: yea of course, I was already going you know? Alvaro?
A: oh shoot yea um well you're coming home with me then

He says smirking and winking. I roll my eyes and leave the bathroom. I change out of my pjs and just put on some black shorts and a white tube top. "Maaannnn if you're gonna continue to dress like that I'm gonna have to make you mine already." Alejandro says from behind me while he wrapped his muscular arms around my waist. "Oh really?" I say to him turning around and pushing him on the bed for me to get on top. I press against his area to just fuck around with him and I immediately feel him get hard. "Fun to see you vulnerable near me." I say into his ear while I gave him a peck on his cheek. I get up but he pulls me down and now hovers over me. "You can't expect to do all that just to leave." He says before pressing his sweet lips into mines. We move in rhythm before he goes towards my neck, "no marks plsss." I say to him to make sure since Alvaro them would probably dog on us about it. We go at it for a min before I push him off. "Okay enough I'm hungry." I say as he practically whined.

We walk downstairs hand in hand when we see no one. "Hmm there still sleeping?" I say confused. "I guess so... you know what that means mama." He says to me before pulling me up onto the counter and connecting his face with mines again. His tongue enters my mouth as mine does his. The familiar taste of mint lingers my mouth as I grab a grip of his hair and pull his body even more towards me. That's when roshaun came running down causing me and Alejandro to jump. "IMM HUNNGGRRYYYYY!!!" Roshaun says practically sprinting towards the door followed by the rest of the boys slowly coming down behind him. Roshaun opens the door to reveal post mates of... waffles? He closes the door and puts the food on the table. "We may now feassttt my treat losers." He says already biting into his waffle. "Um why is she on the counter?" Mattia says to me and ale which makes me turn a bit red before ale put his hand on my back, "because we were gonna make breakfast but Roshaun beat us too it." Alejandro says while helping me off the counter. Alvaro rolls his eyes as mattia still has a suspicious look on his face. I brush it off and go eat. Me and ale sit next to each other on the couch eating. "I'm full can you finish this plsss." I say to ale, he nods and I get up to wash my hands. "Hey hailey," mattia says from behind me at the sink.

H: oh yea?
M: what's up with you and ale?
M: I thought you guys stopped?
H: we did... but we talked it out.
H: it's not a big deal anymore.
M: it's not a big deal? Who are you? He manipulated you and like idk you can do so much better!
H: mattia you don't mean that...
M: I doooo!!!

He says to me catching all of the boys eyes. I walk away acting like nothing just happened when he pulls at my arm. "Hailey don't walk away from me." He says looking me dead in the eye. I pull at my arm and say, "don't fucking touch me." I then aggressively walk away and up into my room.

What the fuck is with him? Alejandro is his BEST FRIEND and he really said that? Who in the hell does he think he is?? My thoughts get bombarded when Alejandro comes bursting into my room. "What happend?!" He says to me really concerned. "Nothing. It's fine." I say looking at my phone. He grabs it and tosses it onto my bed and making me look at him. "No hailey. Talk to me. Don't push me away." He says to me before I explained the conversation I just had with his best friend. "Wait really?? No way. I'm gonna fucking-" he says before I cut him off. "No you're not gonna do anything. I'll talk to him. Please?" I say desperately wanting to avoid a fight. He finally agrees with me after negotiating for a couple mins before I walk back downstairs. All the boys are back in the room so I open the guest one. "Mattia... can we talk?" I say to him making him come outside.

H: what was that?
M: what was what?
H: you saying all that about Alejandro...
M: it's nothing nvm you guys do you
H: no say it
M: it's nothing I swear!
H: if it was nothing you wouldn't have boughten it up!
M: fine!! I don't wanna see you hurt okay!
H: what do you mean?
M: ale is known to play everyone and me being his best friend and yours
M: just makes me wanna be there for you. I don't wanna see you hurt hailey.
H: I know you don't and neither do I. But trust me it's different.
M: and you know that how?
H: mattia... I'm hailey. Remember that.

I say to him making him laugh. We talk a little before he pulls me into a hug. "Be Safe with him shorty." He says to me causing me to smile. I walk back into the house and into my room. "What happened??" Ale says concerned. "It's all good. We talked he's fine now." I say making Alejandro relieved. I lay back into bed when he sits me up across him. "I know it's nothing special, but I really do like you hailey. And I wanna be able to call you mine... so... will you be my girlfriend?" He says while turning the slightest bit red. "Awh you're getting shy." I say poking at him before he giggles and I push him down to sit on him. "Of course my love." I say giving him a soft but passionate kiss on his lips. He's really mine now. And I'm glad he is. I've missed the adrenaline I had around him. I missed his touch. I missed him in general. I'm happy, super happy.

Authors note:

Ahhh omg thank you so much for all he reading you guys do on my stories haha! This is an ending chapter for everyone that asked for it!! I'm super glad you guys liked my book and I would highly recommend you read my new book I've been updating called, Best friends brother - Alejandro Rosario

Ahhh omg thank you so much for all he reading you guys do on my stories haha! This is an ending chapter for everyone that asked for it!! I'm super glad you guys liked my book and I would highly recommend you read my new book I've been updating cal...

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