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A: .....
H: exactly. Just leave. Please.
A: who told you that??
H: it doesn't matter
A: it does lyly
H: it doesn't. It's done with. You obviously aren't gonna her over Vic. It was really really fucking STUPID of you to even tell me you loved me!!! I knew it was to good to be true.
A: I'm sorryy!! You know how wasted I was at the party! I sobered up when I went home and called you.
H: and you didn't think to tell me??
A: i- i
H: yea this is dumb you need to leave. Please.
A: NO HAILEY PLEASE I'm really sorry!! I was so drunk!!
H: even if you were drunk. The next day she asked you to hang out and you said yea...
A: i- well I'm allowed to have friends right?
H: but you know how much I dislike her and if you did want to take it slow or if you did "love me" you wouldn't have even said yes to that. You don't go and talk and hang out with your ex.
A: I'm sorry. I really am I really didn't think of it like that. I'm sorry hailey.
H: it's fine this is done with.
A: no. I want us back. I want you back.
H: Alex I was never yours to begin with.
A: even if I wasn't... we're bestfriends. I don't wanna loose our friendship.
H: were not going to loose our friendship...
A: but we weren't even dating!! So you can't be mad at me for something I didn't want to do it!!
H: didn't want to do??
A: nvm. I shouldn't have said anything. I'll go.
H: NO! Tell me. Or you'll end up loosing me forever.
A:... Vic kept feeding me shots saying if I didn't take them Mariano would just come around and get with you since he's more loose drunk. And I knew I shouldn't have but she just seemed so right about it! Mar was tipsy and he already had you laughing!! And then I seen you again with another guy and I completely lost it. I thought that we did have something but seeing that hurt me more since I was drunk. Vic seen me and she was kinda drunk but not really. We both knew what we were doing and it kinda happened. I'm sorry.
H: i-
H: so basically you were jealous all night?
A: ....
H: HAHA OMG. I hope you know I'm kicking Victoria's ass tomorrow
A: oh my lord the damn gorilla is coming out

He says as I throw a pillow at his face for calling me that. We both ended up talking it out and eventually got over it. It was determined that we should just continue to be strictly just friends for now...


I woke up and felt really good. It was 6:30 and we started at 8:30 today. I sat in my room playing music, "Alexa play hot girl bummer." "Playing hot girl bummer by blac bear."

I absolutely love this song. Hot girl bummer anthem that's why :) lol jk anyways I just cleaned my room a little for like a good 30 min before I actually got ready for school. I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I looked at the side of my mirror and see, Alejandro's shirt. He must have left it here a while ago. I do miss him. A lot. But we just can't. Regardless if I loved him so much. My trust for him is just not there right now and it's gonna take time to build up again. I throw his shirt in my laundry basket and walk to my closet. I decided to wear something cute today.

(White laced vans and with out the sweater

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(White laced vans and with out the sweater.)

Perfect. I gathered my things and it was not 7. I walked down the hall and seen that Alvaro just got up. "Hurry up or I'm leaving dude." I say annoyed by him. "Chill i don't take 4 years to get ready like you dumbass." He says as I roll my eyes at him. He's annoying but I love him I guessss. I see my mom in the kitchen making us bagels to take.

Hm: hey huh
H: hey mom
Hm: um has your dad talked to you yet?
H: no... how come?
Hm: oh um he wants to take you and Alvaro to skiing during winter break.
H: do we have to stay there for Christmas?!

Our winter break was like two and a half weeks. December 19 - January 7.
(This is how it is where I live so yea I'm just gonna go with that LOL)

Hm: um he said you guys could decide.
H: I really don't wanna-
Al: what are we talking about?
H: ... dad wants us to come up for winter break.
A: oh... when?
H: he said we could decide? Right?
Hm: yes of course.
Al: i don't wanna spend Christmas up there ma.
H: me neither.
Hm: you guys can go up for New Years? Your dad really misses you guys.
H: yea... um sure I don't mind
Al: um sure I guess.
H: how about we leave on the 26 and come back before New Years?
A: yea I agree I don't wanna miss New Years or Christmas lol.
Hm: hunny you guys have to spend at least one of the holidays with your father...
H: what about you??
Hm: don't worry about me baby. You guys can open your guys gifts when you guys come back.
Al: are you sure mom??
Hm: of course.
H: fine. Dec 20 - 27. A week.
Al: yep
Hm: okay I'll let your father know.

Me and varo nods and walks out to the car. "You're driving." I say to varo getting into the passenger seat. On the way to school me and Alvaro talk about he trip.

H: do you even wanna go?
Al: kinda yea I think it'll be fun. Why do you not?
H: no I do but I have a feeling he's just gonna introduce us to his gf or something...
Al: oh shit yea I forgot about her... didn't they move in together in Utah??
H: yea that's part of the reason why I didn't wanna go up there.
Al: wow do you know her name?
H: I just know her names crystal. He makes her seem nice but I never met her because I always declined.
Al: hmm... you know mom has a bf...
Al: she never told anyone but it's obvious.
H: wow I hope she tells us soon I guess!

I say as we both laugh. I have no problem with my parents seeing other people. I was just always over protective because I never wanted my parents to be taken advantage of especially because of how "rich" they are. My dads in the military and my mom works at a huge firm so you know I just don't wanna see them hurt. I wouldn't mind them though, I'm not calling them mom or dad though. That option is out of the winded lol.

Authors note:

LOL OKAY SO the next chapters are probably gonna be good but also boring?? Idk it's just gonna lead up to something big ykkk. Okay thank you for reading enjoyyyy!

Messing Around • Alejandro Rosario Where stories live. Discover now