not whatever

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"Wtf was that??" Alejandro says to me practically angry. "What?" I say confused. "You know what!" He says yelling. "I actually don't so if you would tell me it would be-" "you literally were flirting with Mariano all day in front of me!" He says angry. Wow. I didn't think he cared that much but okay. "So?? I'm not dating anyone. Or talking to anyone. There's no problem with that ale." "Fine sure you're right nevermind forget it." He says walking away to the car. We get in and all the boys are laughing and talking while me and ale sit there on our phones quiet. I'm not sure how to feel. I mean like we did say we would just stay friends?? Wouldn't that allow me to talk or in this situation kiss anyone I wanted? It was probably a bad idea to do it infront of him but again- fuck idek wtf I'm saying at this point. It is my fault.

We arrived at home and we all took turns showering. We were all in the living room with all the lights off. That's when we all literally screamed when we heard a weird noise. "SKET" (Idk just think of a random clanking noise or something lol)

R: bro what the fuck was that
K: was that from outside??
Al: I will kill you if it's one of you guys fucking with us.
M: nah I swear I heard something

We heard it once more and I yelled. "NOPE IM FUCKING OUT NOPE." I say running up the stairs and turning the tv off. All of them run up behind me and into my room. "Alvaro you have a room up here also." I say to him. "Oh shit haha forgot." We all split up. It was Alvaro roshaun in his room, mattia, Ella, and kairi in the guest room, and me and ale in mine. We get ready for bed and lay under the sheets until I break the silence.

H: can we talk?

I say sitting up against my head board as he does the same.

A: about?
H: um why you gotten mad outside?
A: it's nothing nevermind.
H: no tell me.
A: it's fine I'm tired I'm gonna go to sleep

He says before putting his head down and going under my sheets. Is he joking? Like seriously? I'm trying to talk it out with him and he's just pushing it. I get up grab my phone and walk down to mattia them in the guest room. They were up making tiktoks of course.

H: heeyyyy

I say walking into the room as I see Ella is passed out on the he's already.

K: uhhhh why are you here
H: fuck you this is my house
K: I'm kiddinnggg idiot omg
H: whatever
M: what brings you here shawttyyy
H: couldn't sleep and I didn't wanna stay in my room
M: okkkk um I guess we all getting squished on the bed tonight

Mattia says as we all laugh. We end up going to bed a little after and they both fall asleep fast. They snore so FUCKING loud I could not take it. Alejandro never really snored like that, it was just little one snot Godzilla ones fuck. I was so irritated I grabbed my phone and went outside to the couch. It was scary but I buried my head under a blanket to feel safe hehe. Quickly I fall asleep.

?? lyly
?? Lyly come upstairs.

I turn my body over to see a dark figure infront of me. My eyes aren't fully open but by the sound of their voice I know it's ale. He picks me up and brings me up stairs and into my room. He lays me on my bed when I sit up.

H: why'd you bring me up here?
A: i couldn't sleep without you next to me
H: ok sure
A: why'd you go downstairs?
H: you obviously didn't want to speak to me so I went to sleep in the other room with mattia them but they snore so fucking-
A: great of course you ran to mattia
H: the fuck is that suppose to mean?
A: you know.
H: I. Actually. Don't. So care to elaborate??
A: everytime we have a little problem you're always snuggled up next to him!! Like it's not a big deal!!
H: Alejandro it's not!! He's MY FRIEND!! And I'm allowed to hug ANYONE I WANT OKAY!!
A: whatever already!
H: no not whatever!! Alejandro what's your deal!! You always bring something up and push me away like it's okay or something!
A: maybe because YOOUUU always push me away.
H: how? I? What?? Seriously what's your deal!!

I sit there in shock as the words he blurted out were "in love with you". Was he just mad and trying to joke around with me? Was he serious? Was I nervous when he said that?? Yes. I look at him and then back to my hands.

A: i do okay. And obviously you don't feel the same I'll just leave-
H: no don't.
H: I'm sorry okay? I never thought getting close with him was bugging you that much or kissing Mariano, after what happened with Vic I just never looked back. I've always loved you. Always. But I never thought you nearly took me as serious as I wanted you to.
A: i never took you serious because you always pushed me away. Whether it was because of my jokes or when I actually tried to tell you I liked you.
H: ale...
A: no but I get it. You don't like me or see-

That's when I pulled him close to me and attached our lips together. The scent of mint roamed by mouth till I pulled away. I've missed his warmth, his comfort, his everything.

H: i- sorry.

Alejandro turns away and looks down at his palms.

H: Alejandro I do love you... and I always have but I was always afraid of saying something.

I use my hand to lift his chin up to me for me to see the slight smile that formed across his face hearing the words "love you".

H: I am really sorry. Me and Mariano have a past okay? I just got carried away with the whole game and I- I- I'm just sorry.
A: it's fine. I should've boughten it up sooner and letting you know rather then to push you away.

I give him a little smile and pull him into a hug. We sit there for a good min before pulling away from each other.

A: talk about it in the morning?
H: of course.

We lay under the sheets once again as I wrap my legs around his and lay my head gently on top of his chest with an arm around me. I turn my head up slightly to face his.

H: I am sorry alex. I really am.
A: it's fine. Let's get sleep we can talk about it tomorrow.

I give him a little smile before snuggling up into him again. His warmth lets me quickly fall asleep. I absolutely adore him and I do wanna take him more serious. I just hope he's willing to do the same.


As I hear little snores come from her mouth I just think, maybe we do get the happy ending? I've always had a thing for her in the beginning. I knew Alvaro having a beautiful and sweet sister wouldn't go well on my end. I ended up practically falling for her and tripping all over the place. She makes my heart feel whole. It hurts me to see her so fed up with me. But again maybe we could work it out? It'd take time but- I just really have fallen head over heels for this girl.

Messing Around • Alejandro Rosario Where stories live. Discover now