Chapter 6: Part 1

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I awoke the next morning to Leda setting a tray of food on the coffee table and putting a fresh plate of meat down for Fenrir.

"Good morning, Amberleigh. How did you sleep?"

"I wish I could sleep longer." I tiredly pulled the blankets up over my head.

Leda's gentle voice trilled with laughter, "I'm sorry, but you must get ready and eat breakfast. Soren and Gerard will be here soon for your lessons." You would think that having traveled across Ithica and arriving only yesterday, I would be offered at least a day of rest. Apparently not.

I groaned under the blankets before pulling them back and slithering from the bed and hurrying across the cold floor to my breakfast. This time I didn't question; I just ate. There were some biscuits laden with a strange berry jam, two small hardboiled eggs similar to quail eggs, and a few slices of meat. I ate until my stomach was full, and then Leda came back with fabric in her hands.

I eyed Leda's selection. It was far too gorgeous to be put on me, but Leda assured me that it was of the more appropriate casual attires for the day. She informed me that it would do well for tea with the queen so that way I didn't have to change partway through the day. I appreciated Leda's smarts and consideration when it came to my wardrobe; the one thing I didn't enjoy was the somewhat outdated concept that women almost always had to be wearing dresses or skirts to be considered presentable or formal. Where was a good pantsuit when you needed one?

Leda was just finishing up with my makeup and hair when Gerard and Soren were announced by the guards, and they entered my room. Leda took that as her opportunity to leave and bid me farewell.

"Good morning Princess," Soren said brightly.

"Hello Amberleigh, are you ready for today?" Gerard asked.

I gave them both a small smile in greeting before addressing Gerard. "If I knew what today would hold, then maybe."

"Well, the healer should be here any minute to check on your forehead. Then we will begin with etiquette lessons followed by a history lesson. That should take us right up to your meeting with the Queen and Princess Guinevere for high sun tea. After tea, you will have a literature lesson, a language course, dinner, and you will end the day with dance lessons."

My eyes widened at the packed schedule. I knew that they were trying to cram as much in before the ball, but this seemed like overkill. "I really have to do all that? I don't think I've ever been so busy in my entire life."

"Alas, the woes of royalty, many duties to attend to. You also only have three full days until your homecoming ball, and it is pertinent that you have a solid understanding of these subjects before then," Soren explained.

I pressed a hand to my forehead, feeling extremely overwhelmed. 

"It will be okay, Amberleigh. I'll be with you every step of the way and help in any way I can." Gerard's kind words brought a small smile to my lips.

He looked even better than he did yesterday. Much of the bruises and scrapes were already fading with the advanced medicines of the Elven healers. His beard and hair had been trimmed, showing off more of his face, a face that held a new glow to it. He was happy to be here and to be helping me. A soft whisper of the memory I had seen when I looked at him on the road flashed in my mind. Help us, it had said. Help them? Help who? Help how?

The healer arrived in the room and quickly set to work, checking on my cut, and applying more salve. In the meantime, I decided to ask Gerard and Soren a few questions that had perked up in my head. "What kinds of things could I do as a queen?"

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