Chapter 19: Part 2

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The nerves rolled through me as Soren walked us through the empty palace halls. I was having a weird moment of déjà vu, as this was remarkably similar to when Soren delivered me to the ballroom for my homecoming ball. And now here I was on my way to be coronated Queen of Erivale.

I couldn't help the sick sensation in my body and mind that I was hopelessly unprepared to take on this role. Of course, what made me feel even worse was the thought of what was to come after the coronation. Not only would I be retaining my status of Queen of Erivale, but I would be defecting to the rebels and likely starting a war against the same hands who crowned me queen.

A small squeeze on my arm pulled me from my thoughts, and I looked up to Soren's kind face. The wrinkles around his eyes from many years of smiling showed no concern about the events that will happen tonight. His confidence soothed me marginally.

"Are you ready, you know the plan?"

"Yes, of course, we've all been over the plan many times."

"You can do this, Amberleigh."

We paused in front of the doors, my last barrier before the events of the night would soon unfold.

As the doors opened to the screams and cheers of the citizens below, I focused on step one of the plan – be coronated, queen.

With every stair that led me down to the ballroom floor, the force of the cheers pressed harder upon my body. The same nervous energy from standing in front of crowds resumed, but that fear seemed minuscule in the grand scheme of everything. I ignored the anxiety I felt from the eyes of the crowd and ascended the steps to get to the stage.

It was the same platform from the homecoming ball, except instead of being laden in tables and food for the council, it held a large throne in the middle and two off to the side. A pedestal on the far left surrounded by guards held the crown of a queen. The same crown my mother had been wearing just this morning.

King Heinrich and Luciana stood at center stage, their broad smiles looked just like how I hoped any proud parents would, but it was all a lie. They beckoned me forward and held me in their arms before addressing the crowd.

"We gather here today in celebration of our crown princess becoming a queen." Heinrich's voice boomed throughout the room.

"Our dear daughter whom we once thought lost from us returned just in time to take on her rightful duty as Queen of Ithica and ruler of the Unified Nations of Erivale. She stands here before you to take the oath of the monarchy."

The crowd cheered once again, and I tried to offer them a smile as I knew I should from etiquette lessons. I hoped that they couldn't see just how nervous I was.

Heinrich and Luciana moved to sit in the two thrones off to the side, I noticed Renatus standing behind them. He was easy to lose amongst the shadows on the edge of the platform. He eyed me carefully.

A man in the light blue and gold of Ithica's formal service attire came to stand before me. I had talked with him a few times in court before and recognized him to be the Chief of the Court.

He was an older Elf, and his voice wavered with the intensity he needed to for everyone to hear. "Crown Princess Amberleigh Eerika Helle Aumont, do you vow to always hold the interests of the citizens of Ithica at heart? Do you swear to uphold our laws and values of justice? Will you work for the betterment of your country and strive for greatness so that we may all flourish?"

"Yes, I do."

"Then, I stand before you with the royal crown that marks you our loving queen." The guards surrounding the crown stepped forward. One of the guards held the crown sat atop a dark, red velvet pillow. The Chief of the Court picked up the crown in his elderly hands.

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