Chapter 11: Part 1

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After a week of being on high alert, my paranoia began to ebb. There were no more notes or signs of imminent danger. No one entered my room through the secret passageway, either.

I was still too nervous about the note's hidden meaning to broach the subject to anyone for fear they may be a threat, but a routine was developing within the palace. Things were starting to feel safe or as safe as they could be with everything going on.

Maybe safe wasn't the right word. Comfortable might be apter. I was growing comfortable with the routine of my lessons and daily activities.

The customs of Ithica and Erivale as a whole were also becoming more familiar. I was even beginning to have more frequent interactions with my parents, typically over scheduled dinners. Even that was starting to feel much more comfortable, almost making me forget about their manipulating the council. Almost. I was still overly aware anytime they brought up the council or the educational reforms; furthermore, Renatus was usually around them, and he gave me the heebie-jeebies.

Another part of life here that had become more commonplace was the combination of my etiquette lessons as a part of various royal activities. A few days ago, I had sat in on a meeting with King Heinrich, Soren, and a few other advisors as they drafted a new decree. Just yesterday, I had spent part of my day with Queen Luciana, shadowing her as she began preparations for the Winter Solstice Festival and new year celebrations.

Today would be a continuation of my real-world etiquette training with a crash course lesson in royal court taught by the one and only – Guinevere. It was just what I wanted to be doing today, not. The prospect of the court itself wasn't that bad, but the idea of an extended period with Guinevere was the absolute last thing I wanted right now.

Gerard had stressed the importance of court to me in previous lessons. The court of the past was simply those who lived in the palace and supported the king and queen, such as advisors, barons, lords, and any priests. The court of the present day had developed into more of an activity. Now the king and queen spend quite a bit of time sat upon their thrones in the massive throne room. All of the members of the court milled about, and the king and queen make judgments if need be. These judgments could be made between any citizens of Erivale as long as they presented their complaints or issues before the court. Any decisions made was considered a royal decree and were immediately enacted upon.

The royal court was held in the throne room. The same place I had first entered when Ulric had presented me to my parents announcing my return to the world. Now I stood out of the imposing wooden doors with Guinevere to my side.

She grabbed my arm tightly in hers, forcing me to look into her angry eyes. "Don't you even think about embarrassing me. Just shut up and watch." I don't think Guinevere was very fond of the idea of spending the day with me either. That might have been the only silver lining of the day.

Right before the doors opened, she leaned over and whispered, "And cover those stunted ears, you look like a human, and I can't be associated with that."

My hand nervously trailed to my ears, which were exposed when I had tucked my hair off my face. I quickly untucked it, making sure my hair was hiding the lack of tips. As much as Guinevere's words hurt, I didn't really want the court to see me without my ears either. She was right, they made me look like a human, and I wasn't a human here, I was an Elf. I couldn't give them any more reason to judge me.

Soon the doors were opening, and the herald was announcing our entrance. "Princess Guinevere Rabec and Crown Princess Amberleigh Amount, the Lost Princess."

I frowned at the addition of "Lost Princess" to my official title. It was hardly necessary and was only going to make me stick out even more. Whispers soon rang out, most of them included my name. I hadn't spent much time in the public eye since I had been here. The only time had been the ball where I had brief introductions to so many people that I hardly remembered anyone's names, and all of the faces were mixed up.

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