Chapter 8: Part 2

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Gerard sent word to Soren that I was ready while Leda placed the tiara on my head. The older Elf would be escorting me into the ball. Leda and Gerard hurried away to change quickly and prepare for the ball themselves.

Soren complimented me on my gown and gave me a few words of encouragement as we walked. The palace halls were unusually quiet and still, but as we drew nearer to the ballroom, I understood why. There was a massive flurry of activity in and around the ballroom, causing a calmness everywhere else. It appeared that just about everyone was located in this section of the palace. Soren and I walked to the other side of the ballroom, which was deemed to be the royal entrance for the monarchy of Ithica.

I could hear a loud knocking sound that silenced everyone in the room, and then King Heinrich began to speak. I stood nervously on the other side of the doors listening to Heinrich's speech about my disappearance, their love for me, and how their prayers had been answered, for I had returned.

Suddenly the doors opened, and I was greeted with the sight of hundreds, if not thousands, of individuals staring up at me. The room was bright with a variety of lights that twinkled off of the many golden surfaces and detailing. A stage on which a large, long table to the left of me was where King Heinrich stood. "Welcome home, Crown Princess Amberleigh Eerika Helle Aumont, my daughter, the Lost Princess of Erivale."

The crowd cheered wildly, and Soren gently held out his arm. Distracted, I let him lead me, and we made our way down the stairs, the train of my dress flowing behind me. I wasn't sure what was to happen next; no one told me that much, but Soren led me to the stage next to my father, and soon I was standing under the scrutiny of what felt like the entire world.

"We are so glad to have you back," King Heinrich said. He turned to the crowd. "I give you your future queen!" They erupted in cheers again, and I was taken aback by the sheer strength of the noise.

The festivities soon continued, and I was ushered to the table where all of the council members sat. Two chairs in the middle were more prominent, and that was where Heinrich and Luciana sat. To the left was Guinevere, and to the right was my own spot. Guinevere's eyes lingered on my dress, and her face turned a bright shade of red to match her dress. She left the table in a hurry.

Henrich moved me down the line of people sitting at the table, introducing me to each. First was Walcott and Sabah Burnouf from Gelida. I had not seen an Ursa outside of the palace guard uniforms, and tonight I was greeted with more traditional formal attire to the Ursa culture. Walcott was outfitted in a crisp grey fabric and brown leather tunic. Across his shoulders and draping him on the back was a black and white speckled cloak with natural fur trim. Sabah wore a light grey overcoat dress with a fur-lined collar and voluminous sleeves with hand-stitched pearls.

They were the least social out of all the council members. Walcott grunted out my name in acknowledgment, but other than that, they didn't say a word and instead opted to watch me with their sharp eyes and whisper behind large paws to one another.

Next was Dacey and Vada Enrouf from the Fjell, who greeted me with broad smiles. Their attire was much more whimsical and displayed their beautiful feathers. I noticed that Dacey's wings were a red tone that reminded me of the painting hidden in my room. The only difference was that his were a darker maroon. They were much nicer to chat with, and Vada said she should find me later in the night to talk about my dress.

Vicente Godefrey, the Centaur, hardly fit at the table and studied me with inquisitive eyes. He was partnered with Canaan Estur, who gave me a full, friendly smile and told me how excited he and Vicente were to meet me.

At the end of the table were Radburn and Nenet Varanger. Radburn was a male Syreni, and Nenet was a Nereides, their arranged marriage marked the unification of the two species officially. Their hospitality and kind nature reminded me of Leda, and I immediately felt more comfortable conversing with them.

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