Chapter 20: Part 2

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Just when I thought our journey would be lasting forever, the scent of wood smoke was carried on the wind, and with it came the bustle of a community.

"We are very close now," Soren said and took us to the edge of a wide ravine in the forest. As we came to the side, the resistance camp blossomed before me.

The ravine was large enough for two or three tents to fit the width while still allowing for room to walk in between. The rebel camp stretched almost the entire length of the ravine. As well as small tents for living, it included larger tents that appeared to be for dining, judging by the bustle of people coming and going with soup bowls. There were a few open seating areas focused on central fires that people sat near talking.

Almost every individual within the camp wore leather armor to cover their torso and hips. They carried their weapons loosely, but it was clear that they were ready for any sort of attack if it was necessary.

We began to follow a steep path that switchbacked down the side of the ravine. The dirt and stones underfoot were loose and crumbled under our steps. I stumbled a few times and only nearly saved myself from somersaulting down the side. It wouldn't kill me, the walls of the ravine were maybe 20 feet tall, but it definitely wouldn't feel good.

By the time we reached the bottom, everyone within the camp had been alerted to our presence, and all activity had ceased. Silence sang through the ravine, and I shivered as hundreds of eyes simply stared at me.

I shifted under their gaze, feeling uncomfortable, and I nervously pulled my hair to make sure it covered my ears.

Even the traveling party that had been exceptionally chatty today was silent as we began walking through the camp. It was almost eerie the way everyone's eyes followed my every move as we walked.

Being down on the ground level of the camp, there were many details that I did not initially pick out. For one was the number of children here. They were everywhere, and not just Elven children. Every race was represented amongst the large group no matter the age. There were even some elderly individuals who sat hunched under warm blankets near the fires.

Everyone's faces and clothes showed smears of mud, likely from the ravine. As we edged into spring, the ravine no longer had a flowing creek carving through the ground, but the surface was still slick with thick mud that sucked to the bottom of my boots.

A few individuals showed recent injuries via fading bruises, slings and splints, and bandaged gashes. I could only assume that they had been from the attack that King Heinrich had enacted on their original compound.

After weaving through the length of the ravine, we came across one of the larger tents. The fabric was once a gentle tan that would have matched the sandy beaches on the Breezian coast. Now they were stained dark with mud and rain. A few wet leaves and evergreen needles stuck to the outer surface of the damp fabric.

The main flap suddenly opened, and Zora walked out. Similar to everyone else, she wore leather armor. The only difference was intricately designed metal wrist cuffs that seemed to shine even in the wet gloom of the forest. Her silvery hair was braided back away from her face, and a variety of metal rings and painted beads were woven through.

"Nice of you to finally join us, Amberleigh," she said. She walked past me with purposeful strides, and I turned, suddenly realizing that the majority of the camp had silently followed us. Almost all of the rebels were now stood before us. "I would like to introduce our queen, Amberleigh!"

The crowd was deathly silent, and I suddenly felt every insecurity welling to the surface. Was I really what they wanted? What they needed? Could I really do this?

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