Chapter 6: Part 2

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After tea, I was rushed off to my literature lessons with another Centaur named Elijah. Elijah was younger than William and quite a bit more sarcastic, which I enjoyed. The lesson was relatively simple as we began by going over the prominent literary artists of Erivale. It was history round two but with an emphasis on literature as I learned of the Shakespearean equivalents and the Homers of Erivale. There were some substantial differences, of course, such as the role magic played in literature and storytelling. Literature ended with the assigned reading of poetry written by a famous author – Liam Estur.

My language course was terrible, to say the least. Everyone in Erivale spoke the same language as their primary tongue, but all of the other races had their own discourses. My tutor for this lesson was a Syreni named Mabel.

I was beginning with Siren's speech as it was the easiest to learn, or so I was told. The allegedly easy language was almost impossible to actually speak, or rather sing. Siren speech is rhythmic and melodic in a way I had never heard before, and I always stumbled over words and had trouble pronouncing them right. Mabel and I were both frustrated by the end of our lesson.

I ate a lonely dinner in my room before dance lessons. For the ball, I had to learn traditional Ithican ballroom dancing styles. Soren was my partner, and I stepped on his toes far too many times to be acceptable, but he continued to smile as if I was a perfect dancer. The liar.

The last time I stepped on his foot, I pulled away, "I can't keep abusing you like this. It isn't fair. You've been too kind to me to have me stomp all over your feet for any longer."

Soren chuckled. "It's quite alright, Amberleigh, I barely felt a thing."

"That's a lie, and you and I both know it."

"Tell me, how was your first day of lessons?"

I narrowed my eyes. "I see your subject change, but I'll go with it anyways. It wasn't too bad. The etiquette lessons came in handy for the tea, and I'm enjoying continuing to learn about history."

"That's lovely to hear. And on a more personal note, how is your first real day in the palace? You can be honest with me; while I may work here, I am not blind to the cons of this life."

I let out a loud sigh and looked to the ground where my feet, which were crammed into uncomfortable heels, kicked at nothing. "It's been a lot. A lot of it feels lonely. And there's so much to learn in so little time. It feels like everyone is watching my every move, just waiting for me to mess up. I couldn't get through tea without messing up, and Guinevere calling me out on it. What will I do at the ball with hundreds of subjects and politicians there simply to just watch me?"

"It may seem like a steep hill now, but you are doing remarkably well for someone in your shoes. Plus, more qualities make up a queen beside her etiquette lessons. Qualities such as compassion, drive, and empathy, which after a chat with Gerard, it is clear that these are some of your strongest attributes."

I blushed, somewhat uncomfortable under the praise Soren sang to me. "I don't know how to do this, but I want to make a difference. I wish there was a way to help the world but stay in the shadows. I'm not comfortable with being on a public stage, or leading, or commanding."

"That is not a luxury you will have, but I believe you will be strong enough to handle it when the time comes. You have many months before you will have to assume the throne and go through the Ceremony of the Gods."

I paused and simply blinked at Soren, "Excuse me what?"

"The Ceremony of the Gods?"

"Well yes! But what do you mean months?" I shrieked. The small sense of control and drive I had built up this morning immediately crumbled under this new information.

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