The Stars

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{Savannah's POV}

{1 month later}

As I promised to Shailene, I went out to look at the stars. Or Jupiter, in my case.

I laid down in the long, green grass and stared straight up, searching around for a moment before finding Shailene's Star.

"Hey, Shailene," I started. I smiled, thinking to myself about how silly I would look to anyone else who didn't know the backstory.

"How are you? I'm pretty good lately. I miss you, but what can I do about it?" I asked. I knew I wasn't getting an answer.

"Being adopted feels awesome. I would describe it to you, but I don't want you to feel left out," I told her. I knew Shailene could hear me, but it still felt a bit odd to talk to a faraway planet.

"It's okay, you can tell me," I heard a voice say behind me. I looked up, expecting to see Rachael.

Nobody was there.

"H-hello?" I asked. No answer. Then it dawned on me- it must've been Shailene.

I know how ridiculous that sounds, but I just had that feeling in my gut that the voice I heard was her.

So I started explaining. I explained that rush of shock and relief and excitement I got when the Team selected me and the others. I explained how it feels to pull up to this house you've never seen before, and have that sudden realization that it's your new home. And to see your room, and meet the people you'll be spending the rest of your life with, and the absolutely stunning emotional moment you have when your first falling asleep, saying to yourself, 'Wow, this is my life now.'

And when I finished, I imagined Shailene giddily clapping. I pictured her sitting there in that orphanage and introducing herself to me.

And for the first time, I didn't cry thinking about her.

I smiled. A pure, genuine smile, and looked up at the sky.

"Shailene?" I whispered. "Jupiter is shining extra bright tonight knowing that you're here with me."

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