Chapter 8(Lauren's POV) Before the Door Closes

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(Lauren's POV)

After Niall and Brandi went out to eat, me and Mary decided to go to our room to rest for the night. We both gave Harry and Louis goodnight hugs and said our goodbyes. We had become very close in the last twenty four hours. It was strange how easy it was to talk to them. Not just Harry and Louis, but all of them. We weren't close with Liam and Zayn really, but that was most likely because none of us had crushes on them and we had only met them 5 hours ago. As Mary and I made our way back to our suite down stairs, I noticed she looked very deep in thought. This wasn't unusual, Mary tends to over think alot of things-it's how she works, but it seemed her thoughts were bothering her this time.

L-"Whatchya thinking about?" We took a few more steps, but then Mary just stopped. She looked down and had a look on her face as if she was hurting. "Mary, What's wrong?"

M-"I did something awful." she said as she looked up at me. Her eyes were teary and she looked as if she was about to break down. I grabbed her hand and guided her to the elevator. When we got inside and we were alone, I asked her to explain.

L-"Mary, I'm sure Miss Perfect couldn't have done something that bad. I know how you think and i know that you try your best to always do the right thing so it can't be that bad." She continued to stay silent and stair at the floor. I noticed a tear run down her cheek. As the elevator doors opened, I gave her a hug and comforted her for a moment. "Come on, you can explain when you've calmed down in the room" i took her to the room and filled up a plastic cup with water and handed it to her. After she took a sip, she seemed to finally be able to tell me what was wrong.

M-"I told Harry I would go on a date with him." I stood there in shock looking at her. To me, this was amazing news and I was jumping with joy inside, but I knew this was hard for Mary.

L-"Mary, I-"

M-"Lauren what if he cheats on me like Adam did? I mean, he is gonna be famous again and you remember what rumours were all over the internet about him. How he's a flirt and a man-whore and what if he really is like-'

L-"MARY!" I got her to come out of her rant and then there was silence. I knew I needed to say something before she talked herself out of the date. "Mary, I walked over to her and sat down next to her. Do you remember why you said you needed this trip so badly?"

M-"Ya, to get away from Adam. Seeing him around town with other girls was too much for me and-"

L-"Mary, that's not the whole reason. Remember when you told me you were tired of having to think before doing anything and that whenever opprotunities came along, by the time you were done thinking it through, the door had closed."

M-"Oh, well, ya I guess."

L-"Well, the door that Harry is through is gonna close if you dont walk through it now.""

M-"But what if-"

L-"Life isn't long enough for 'what if's'. You have to take chances while they're availiable or you'll be living a generic life and I know you've never dreamed of that." Just then Brandi walked through the door. She had a huge smile on her face and her eyes were droopy. I can't believe Niall got her drunk. I know that she's the legal age in England, but that doesn't mean Mary and i approve of that. "Brandi Lynn! I can't believe your drunk!" Her eyes seemed to snap to reality right away and it was like the drunkness wore off right away. Strange.

B-"What! I'm not drunk! You really think Niall would do that. Do you really think I would do that?" I realized she was definately not drunk, but something was definately up. I looked down at Mary who was crying into her hands. "What's wrong?" Brandi asked sitting down on the other side of her. i sat back down and explained everything to Brandi.

L-"-so right before you walked in and ruined the moment, I was explaining to her how the door that Harry's through is gonna close unless she walks through it."

B-"Mary, Harry is a nice guy. He would never hurt you. Besides if he ever did then I would totally make Niall beat him up." Mary showed a slight smile and laughed a bit at Brandi's comment.

L-"Honestly Mary, I don't think it's dating Harry that scares you..."

M-"You don't?"

L-"No, I think you don't want to finally let go of Adam, but Mary, It's been eight months. Adam is long gone cheating on other girls and breaking their hearts. I know you two dated for a long time, but he was always a bad boyfriend. He was clingy and judgemental and he didn't like us" I said gesturing to Brandi and I like that was a completely impossible thing to do. This made Mary smile and it was nice to see her a little bit happier.

M-"i guess you're right. It's just, For a long time I thought Adam was the one I was gonna be with for the rest of my life. I mean- three years is a long time to date. He's one of the reasons I decided to stay in Killeen to go to college instead of going to Colorado State Uni. Dating him changed my life."

B-"I don't think dating Adam was a mistake." Mary and I both snapped ou heads at Brandi with confused looks. " If you hadn't dated Adam for so long, you would have moved away and that could of ruined our friendship, plus we wouldn't be on this trip and we wouldn't have met One Direction. I mean seriously, how awesome is our life right now? Traveling around the world together then meeting One Direction then dating them! I mean seriously think of how jealius-"

M-"Wait, what do you mean dating."

B-"Oh, well I meant you and Harry of course" She said quickly, but she still seemed to be hiding something.

L-"Brandi... what are you hiding?"


M-"How did dinner with Niall go?"

B-"Well, actually- amazing! He asked me out and I told him I didn't want to wait and that we sould just start dating right away!"

M-"OMG, that's amazing!!

L-"Yeah. I can't believe your dating your dream guy. I told you guys you were meant to be!"

B-"Ya, so now i have a boyfriend and not just any boyfriend, and amazing, sweet, funny, FAMOUS boyfriend!"

L-"See Mary, Brandi didn't wait to think if over, she walked through a door that opened before it had time to close."

B-"What did I do?" oh her blonde mind sometimes.

L-"You took a chance"

B-"Oh, ya Mary, you gotta live life without worries sometimes."

M-"Yoou guys are right. Adam's out of the picture and I have a date with Harry Styles tomorrow. I'm gonna be happy and not bring Adam up and make myself beautiful."

L+B-"Exactly...Wait...TOMORROW!!" Brandi and I said in unison. Our sisterly like minds scare me sometimes.

M-"ya, tomorrow, why?"

L+B-"We have to get you ready!" We said in unison again...okay...this is seriously terrifying. We all laughed and got into a group hug.

L-"My life rocks right now, I'm traveling the world with my best friends and One Direction. It couldn't get any better"...If only I had a boyfriend, I thought to myself...oh Louis...

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