Chapter 16 (Lauren's POV) The Ghostly Girl

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(Lauren's POV)

We sat in the limo waiting to arrive at one of Simon Cowell's HQs. I looked over and Liam was looking through a magazine with mine and the other girls faces on it. Our relationships had leaked and were all ovdr the internet and news. Why have One Direction become so big again suddenly. This was totally all because of us. Brandi started this with that "Getting the band back together" tweet. When Simon saw us in the magazine, he called us tohis office immediately. I looked over at Brandi and Niall who was having everything that just happened explained to them by Zayn. Brandi looked scared and almost like she was about to cry. Which was insane because I've never seen her cry.She's always so happy ande bright. I guess now I should explain everything. This morning after Brandi went missing, we all went to find her. Niall texted us "got her" when he saw her so we all chilled and went back to the hotel to relax again. When we got back, there were crowds of girls all around the hotel, which wouldn't have been weird except all the crowds went home yesterday. The new crowd was bigger and had loads more paparazzi. We made our way inside and the manager of the hotel who is a family friend of Mary's was waiting for us. He was holding in his hand a magazine. I didn't think it was strange until I saw mine and Louis faces on the front cover of us kissing and Mary and Harry's also kissing and Niall and Brandi's holding hands at a coffee shop. They had published our relationships. Liam grabbed the magazine from the managers hands and began reading out loud. 

Li-"Our number one boys are back, going in new directions? 3/5 of 1D were seen out with different girls and judging by their tweets, the three girls are best friends and are American. Harry was seen out with a girl named Mary Cregger on a romantic date, Lauren Nicole was seen with Louis the Tommo Tomlinson at a coffee shop showing a lot of PDA as you can see in the picture to the right, and Brandi Mae was reportedly heard saying "yes, I'll go out with you" while sitting across from Niall Horan holding hands. So are these girls official, or is it just another play done by our boys? We'll have to wait and find out."

After Liam was done reading, I turned and looked at Mary who was pale and looked nervous.

M-"How did, how did this happen?"

H-"Papz are everywhere babe, I really thought our date location was a safe area."

I turned to Louis,who looked deep in thought.

L-"What are you thinking?" I asked him nervously as I moved closer to him ad grabbed his hand.

Lou-"I think I have explaining to do to your parents and I'm scared." I laughed at how unserious he made the situation. It relaxed me.

L-"It's okay Lou, they'll love you" I said as I reached up and pecked his lips.

Li-"Mary, is your phone chirping?"

Lou-"Yours is too love." Louis said looking down at me.

Mary and I reached in a pulled out our phones. We knew the chirping meant we had twitter notifications. 

@LaureuxNicole Go back to where you came from and leave our boys alone.

@LaureuxNicole Go and die in a hole gold digger

@LaureuxNicole Lou belongs to me. We are getting married

The list of hate went on and on. I looked up at Mary who had tears in her eyes. She was always the type of person who wanted to love and be loved. When people didn't like her, it killed her. Hate would be much much worse. Harry noticed her first tear and ran to her immediately. After taking her phone out of her hands, he wrapped his arms around her and she began to cry harder. I could hear him whispering comforting words to her.

H-"shhhhh, It's okay love. None of what their saying is true. None of them actually hate you. They're just chicken and think they can be tough through a computer."

I looked back at my phone and a tweet caught my eye.

@LaureuxNicole Why does Louis like you. Your a fat, ugly, gold digger who just wants the money and Louis' being blind. I'm going to find you and kill you and the otehr girls. P.S. I know where your at.

I dropped my phone out of my hand and it fell to the ground. I looked up at Louis and ran to him. I know it's crazy to be scared of a person who is just behind a computer or phone, but I got a sick feeling in my stomach immediately. Louis kept asking me what was wrong, but his voice was muffled. All I heard was the loud cheering coming from outside. Whoever sent that tweet could be anyone in that crowd. Anyone in this building could be that creeper. I looked around for anyone suspicious. I couldn't see much since Louis was holding me and I was looking over is shoulder.

Li-"We need to go. Niall and Brandi aren't safe where they're at if a crowd this big shows up."

The manager told us to go through the back entrance and there was a company limo and here we are now, driving to Simon's HQ. He called us along the way to get Niall and Brandi. I was now curled into Louis. I still hadn't told him why I was so scared. I don't know if he could see that tweet either, I was scared though. For all of our safety. Mary was crying into Harry's chest again.

H-"I'm not giving you your phone back again. None of the stuff on twitter is true so ts not worth reading" he told her. I wish I could believe him, but what was on twitter scared me and hurt me so bad that I just couldn't.

B-"Niall, give me my phone back. I can handle it."

N-"No, absolutely not. You are NOT getting your phone back till everything has calmed down."

B-"Niall, pleeease? She gave him her best puppy dog eyes, but I hoped and prayed he wouln't give it back to her. She definately COULD NOT handle this. Esspectially after her past. Her self confidence would plumet even more. 

N-"Fine, but no twitter."

B-"Ok, fine" She took her phone and after about 5 minutes later I heard her muffled cries and looked up. She was leaned into Niall's chest completely beside herself. I knew she wouldn't be able to handle it. I knew he should never had let her have the phone back. I never should have brought the girls. I never should have run into Louis, no matter how much I love him now. It would have been better if none of this had ever happened and we could continue traveling the world. Wouldn't it be? Maybe this IS for the best. I guess we'll just have to see. I looked out the window trying to calm myself down. The fans were long behind us so there wasn't a swarm anymore. As we pulled up to a red light, something caught my eye though. I girl, with blonde hair and almost white blue eyes, standing on the side walk glaring at me. She looked almost ghostly. She was wearing a black leather jacket and dark jeans with a I <3 LouBear on it. That was her. I knew it. She was the one who threatened me and the girls. All I did was stare though and she glared back. I could almost feel the hatred for me pouring out of her. I wanted out of here now so I yelled at the driver to floor it and he listened, but before we even got 10 feet ahead, the car broke down, and the ghostly girl walked toward us.

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