(Liam's POV)
Lauren sat next to me on the way to Simon's. Louis kept staring at her, but I wanted him away from her for a little while. I'm not saying he's in the wrong and I'm not saying she's in the wrong, they just need some space probably. They haven't even been dating that long. This is crazy. Lauren leaned over to whisper in my ear.
L-"Will we have to talk to Simon about mine and Louis' relationship?" She softly whispered into my ear.
Li-"I don't know. Do you have a relationship anymore?" I whispered back into her ear
L-"I don't know, but in the media world we definitely do."
Li-"I think we'll just have to figure it out." We sat the rest of the way in silence. The whole car was silent. Which was strange since there was a total of 8 of us now. Paul was in the front in the passanger seat and the driver seemed like he was too busy paying attention to the road to say anything.We finally pulled up to the office and got out of the car. As Lauren was getting out infront of me, she hit her head on the car and fell back into my lap. I put my hands on her waist to steady her and Louis looked back and glared at me. Lauren grabbed her head and rubbed the spot wear she hit it.
Li-"Are you okay?" I asked as she climbed out of the car.
L-"Ya, I think I'm fine"
Li-"Let me look at it" I pulled Lauren closer to me and started examining her head. While I was checking the spot, she looked up at me. I looked down into her eyes and we just stood there staring into eachothers eyes. No, I can't fall for her. She's Louis' girl, even if they're not speaking right now. I can't do that to him.
(Louis' POV)
I was steaming on the inside watching them together. How could Liam do this to me? We were best mates. He couldn't...he wouldn't get Lauren.
H-"Hey mate, are you and Lauren okay?" Harry pulled me aside and asked me as we all walked into the office building.
Lou-"No, no Harry, I'm not. Liam is stealing the girl of my dreams out from under me. I didn't kiss that girl, she kissed me. Lauren should know that."
H-"I know man. Mary said she's sensitive about stuff like that cause she's been cheated on alot. Almost all her exboyfriends. Just pull her aside and talk to her. She'll come to understand. Not talking to you is hurting her just as bad as it is you, and don't worry about Liam. He would never do that to you."
Lou-"I guess your right. I'll talk to her later."
We walked through the office building until we got to Simon's office. He usually wasn't in town. He travels alot, but I guess things have been quiet lately in the fame buissiness. When Paul opened the door and all 8 of us were in the room, Simon's chair behind his desk turned around to face us. He looked so much older. His hair was turning grey, which it should have a long time ago, I guess he stopped dying it.
Si-"Hello boys. You've only been back in the public eye for a few weeks and your already causing trouble. Would you like to explain to me wear these girls came from."
Just then the girls stepped to the front of all of us. They had been kinda hiding behind the five of us boys. Now that Simon knew they were in the room, he became alot more gentle.
Si-"Hello girls, I'm glad you are all here with the boys. Their careers may involve the 3 of you as well.
L-"We didn't sign up for this. When we met them, they weren't even famous yet. We have our own lives and we've all only been dating each boy for a short time. These aren't serious relationships. We just want to travel the world together then go back to America and go to college." I looked at Lauren sadly. I wasn't expecting that. She didn't see us as in a serious relationship? We're both old enough to get married. I mean, I'm 25 and she's 21. We could both get married now. She may be young, but we could still make it work right? Just then Mary stepped forward away from Harry to wear Harry was standing. Both of them stood in the front of us all facing eachother.
M-"Lauren, speak for yourself. Harry and I talked it over, and I'm gonna stick by his side for right now. I know you think the three of us are too young for serious relationships, but this is our dream. I'm not going to take this experience for granted just because it might be hard to maintain. I love Harry. I've never fallen in love so fast and neither have you with Louis. You know that we can make this work. Are you gonna tell Brandi she has to leave Niall, the guy she's litterally been dreaming about since she saw his audition to xfactor?" Brandi blushed as Niall put his arm around her and smiled to himself. Lauren just stared at Mary.
L-"Mary, you can't be serious. You realize that there's no turning back if we do this. This isn't a we thing anymore. This concerns you and Harry alone, Louis and I alone, and Niall and Brandi alone. It won't be the three of us anymore. There will be other people involved and what about our careers. What about our dreams. What about your dream to live a quiet life with a husband and kids? That will be gone."
M-"I know that Lauren, but if this is the plan my life was given, then I'm not going to question it. Everything feels right now. And it will always be the three of us." Just then Brandi walked up and stood beside Mary. The boys, Simon, and I just watched waiting. "We will always be sisters. We've been together through the best of times and the worst of times and we're not gonna split now." Mary continued.
B-"Lauren, everything will work out, just have faith. Stay with us. We can still travel the world. We can still grow old together as best friends and watch eachotehrs lives grow and change. Please." Lauren looked torn. She looked to me and we stared at eachotehr from across the room for a while, then she looked down.
L-"I can't." And with that she ran out of the room. I ran out after her and followed her. I finally caught her by the arm right as she got out of the building. I turned her towards me and grabbed her shoulders.
Lou-"Look at me, everything is gonna be okay." I leaned in to hug her, but just before my arms were completely around her, she pulled away.
L-"No, Louis. How could you have done that to me? Your just like every other guy in the world. You can't stay faithful. I have to go. Tell Mary and Brandi I'll call them when my plane lands." I looked down at the ground as she walked towards a taxi.
Lou-" Stop!" I shouted. She turned to look at me, but her eyes were narrowed in anger. I ran to her and kissed her. She tried to pull away at first, but when I wouldn't let her, she stopped and leaned into it. As we pulled away, she just stared into my eyes. I looked down at her and just enjoyed the moment before speaking. "That girl was crazy and you know it. I would never, ever do that to you. I love YOU and no one else. I want you to be happy and I want you to love me back. Just then she jumped into hugging me. I almost fell backwards from the force, but then wrapped my arms around her waist.
L-"I do." I put her down and looked down at her.
Lou-"Do what?" I looked at her raising an eyebrow cheekily.
L-"I love you back." She whispered before kissing me.
So there we stood, snogging in the streets of London. This was perfect.

Getting the Band Back Together
FanfictionMary, Lauren, and Brandi are on a journey to travel across Europe to fulfill their dream. Little do they know that this journey will lead them into romance, fun, and complete and utter craziness. While traveling around England, they run into a few o...