Chapter 24 (Niall's POV) .....Maybe

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Lou-"i can't believe they're leaving.)

N-"Who's leaving" I said as I crambed a biscuit in my mouth. Harry, Louis, and I were out shopping for the tour bus. I can't wait to take Brandi to all the different amazing places in the UK, not to mention my favorite place-Ireland! I can't wait to show Brandi my home and have her meet my parents and brother. I'm freakin excited inside.

H-"The girls" What? Which girls? Our girls?

N-"What? Which girls?"

H-"Our girls" .......

N-"What are you talking about? The girls are coming with us."

Lou-"No mate, they're not. Lauren told me this morning."

H-"Mary told me this morning."

N-"Brandi's told me nothing. Where are they going?" Now I'm completely confused. How are they leaving so soon? Brandi and I haven't even kissed yet. Wow, Brandi and i haven't even kissed yet. That's probably a record for me. Usually I kiss on the first date, but I guess there hasn't been a first date has there. Unless you count the cafe for breakfast before work a few times. No. I haven't taken her on a propper date yet, but then again Lou hasn't taken Lauren on one either so I'm not behind everyone. From what I heard, Harry and Mary's date was amazing, but that's how Harry goes. The cheeky, flirty type he is.

Lou-"They're gonna continue to travel while we do the radio tour for the month. They're coming back to be with us when the song releases, then they have to go back to school in the states." School? Brandi hasn't even mentioned school. I guess she is eighteen so she'd be heaing off to college now in the states. I don't even know which school she's going to. I don't even know where she lives or where she's from in America. I think its Texas. In fact, I'm pretty sure of it cause she told me about a time that she thought she saw our tour bus in Dallas. All I know about Brandi is that she's my princess. The one I've turned down countless girls for and the one I'll be with for forever.

N-"oh. I can't...I can't believe she didn't tell me. When are they leaving?"

H-"Tomorrow. They're checking out of the hotel in the morning since we're leaving tonight."

N-"I thought we were leaving in the morning."

Lou-"No mate, it's tonight. Our first interview is in the morning at 10 in Oxford."

N-"Oh, then I better get back to the hotel and pack, I better talk to Brandi too. I'll leave you two to finish shopping"

H-"You trust us with the buses food?!"

N-"You know my favorites. Get ten of them all." I walked out of the store and called a taxi to take me back to the hotel.


10 minutes later


There she is. Brandi and Mary were sitting at a little cafe down the street from the hotel so i told the driver to stop here. Once out I paid the man and walked over to the girls. Brandi didn't notice me cause she was facing the other way, but Mary saw me. I put my finger up to my mouth indicating to not tell her I was here and she just smiled and looked back listening to Brandi speak.

"I can't wai-" Just then I put my hands around her eyes and Mary bust out laughing. I gave my best at an American accent, but apparently I failed.

B-"Niall, what are you doing here?"

N-"This isn't Niall" I said continuing to hold her eyes shut and pull an American accent.

B-"Well, whoever it is. You smell like nandos and beer and that's what my boyfriend smells like so I just assumed." I uncovered her eyes and looked at her smiling.

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