8. Story Time pt.2

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"WHAT?" She squealed. At first she was surprised, but then it changed to happiness. She threw her arms around you and pulled you into a warm hug. "Finally he took your feelings seriously? By the Angel, I have been waiting for this for so long. Since we met, I couldn't have imagined anyone better next to my brother. I'm so happy, Y/N. I'm so happy for you." She kept hugging you, almost breaking your bones. You coughed awkwardly, but she didn't seem to mind. You tried again, but she didn't pay attention. You decided to just go ahead and speak.

"You couldn't be any farther from the truth." You stated simply. She let go of you, meanwhile blinking at you with a confused expression sitting across her face.

"What do you mean?" She asked waiting for a reply impatiently.

"We didn't sleep together or did anything you are thinking of." You shook your head. "We did sleep next to each other, because there were no free rooms, I lost my key and basically I harassed him into sleeping next to me, half naked." You explained and once again hid your face in your palms. Embarrassment running through your body again, you felt your face heat up. "And if that's not enough humiliation, I basically served myself to him and he even rejected it." You growled thinking back at what a loser you were. "The worst is, he knows my feelings, he knows the impact his presence is having on me. Why does he always make me feel like a shitty person?" You sighed. "I feel like I'm acting as a complete idiot around him all the time. Even I wouldn't take my own feelings seriously, if I was him." You explained and Izzy gently slapped you on the back of the head. "Hey!" You voiced your frustration.

"What are you talking about?" She frowned. "Yes, you do have your goofy moments, but if I was a boy, I would take you without a second thought." She sighed. "You are an amazing fighter, with skills that half of the institute envy you for. You are really smart, which sometimes makes me feel like I'm nothing next to you. You are gorgeous, and it does make me feel jealous, even though I love you to bits. And your sarcastic remarks make you so much more lovable." You felt warmth inside your body and you felt a small smile crawling its way up to your face. Izzy's words made you happy and even though you didn't believe half of what she said, you were just happy to know that such an amazing person became a part of your life. "And if after all of these, my brother still can't take you seriously, then he is a complete idiot. Period." She said with a reassuring smile. She stood up, pulled you up with her and cupped your face in her hands. "You deserve the best." She winked and gave you a heartfelt hug.

"Thank you, Iz." You replied gently. "I'm lucky to have you."

"Awww... you never said that before." She squealed quietly and you already regretted saying it when she tried to suffocate you with a hug.

"Okay, okay... too much cheesiness for today." You tried to get out of her hug.

"Come on, you are rarely nice to me, let me enjoy the moment." She pouted, but you luckily pealed her arms off of yourself.

"I still love you, but let's love each other from a distance." You winked with a cheeky smile appearing on your face.

"You are horrible." She crossed her arms and started walking towards the institute. 

"Come on Iz, you know I love you." You tried lightening the situation, but she didn't budge. "Hey!" You tried harsher, but she didn't listen. She opened the door of the institute and walked in without taking a glance at you. "Hey!" You tried again as soon as you got in the building following the still pouting parabatai of yours. "Izzy!" You called, in a firm tone and she finally turned around from the entrance of the hall. The computer screens were flashing behind her as she stood in the hallway with crossed arms looking straight at you.

"I will forgive you on one condition." She finally realised your existence. However she didn't continue. She was waiting for a reply from you.

"I will not promise anything unless you tell me what you want." You stated firmly.

" You stated firmly

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"Fine, forget it." She said and was about to walk away again.

"By the Angel, Izzy, stop behaving like a baby. What is it? Say it. I will do it." You gave in finally and an evil smile appeared on your friend's face. "That doesn't look good." You said quietly.

"You will have to go on a date." She sang happily, but you could only frown at one of her stupidest ideas ever.

"What do you mean by date?" You asked uncertain.

"I mean, I will set you up with a hot guy and you will have the time of your life with him." She said grinning like a baby getting a new toy.

"Sorry, Iz. Not happening." You stated and walked past her to walk to your room. But she stopped you in the middle of the computer room.

"You will go. And you know why?" She asked, this time her face showing complete seriousness. "Because you are amazing and I want to see someone appreciating you as much as your friends and family do." Her words went deep and you knew you wanted to feel appreciated, you wanted to feel loved. However you wanted to feel that from Alec. And in a way you knew it didn't have much of a chance.

An unexpected quite cough came from the side. Both your and Izzy's head snapped towards the source of the sound. Your eyes met two beautiful blue irises and you were certain that he heard the conversation between his sister and you. He didn't say a word though. He was just looking at you before turning his attention towards one of the screens.

"Let's talk about it later

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"Let's talk about it later." You replied looking at your parabatai. You saw that she had more to say, but you didn't feel like talking. You passed Izzy and started walking towards your room. You felt very unhappy with the situation. You didn't want Alec to know about it. You tried to convince him so many times, that your feelings were real, even if in a jokey way, but he still didn't believe you. And even if he did, he always used the same excuses. Work and carrier. His definition of fun couldn't be farther from the actual meaning of the word.

You arrived to your room and decided to put your thoughts aside and try to relax for the night. You went straight to your bathroom. The walls were light purple, the bath tub, the sink and the toilet were shining white. You walked up to your bath and opened the water tap. You put some candles around the bath tab and took out a bottle of sweet red wine from your mini-fridge right next to your nightstand. You just wanted to relax and close everything and everyone out of your mind, even if just temporarily. You threw your training cloths in the laundry basket right next to your sink and took out a purple towel, from the towel rack, placing it on the side of the bath tub. You climbed into the hot water right after you placed a pink bath bomb into it, making you feel like you were in the park on a warm spring day. You pulled out the screw cap quite easily as the wine has already been opened. You kept your wine in the fridge and you drank from the bottle. You knew you weren't a princess, but even you were surprised how much you didn't care about the norms. Either way it made you laugh, so you just gave in to the sweet taste of the alcohol and the warm sweet feeling of the water. 

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