32. Torture

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When you came to, you felt your shoulders being ripped out of their place. You looked up with a blurry vision to see you were hanging off some chains, digging into your wrist, being attached to the ceiling. The blood was dried around your arms, but fresh trails appeared as you tried to move your hands. 

Your legs were fixed to the floor with another batch of the same chains

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Your legs were fixed to the floor with another batch of the same chains. You tried to move, but every attempt made you scream inside. Every part of your body was in excruciating pain and you weren't sure how long you were able to stay alert. 

"I see you are awake." Your heard the familiar voice coming closer. "I thought you were weaker than that. I am proud of you." He chuckled. "I wonder how long you will be able to handle my special attention." You growled in anger.

"What do you want with me?" You asked, but your voice disappointed you and it barely came out as a whisper. 

"You see, I planned to have fun with you, but then you ruined it. You could have enjoyed the pleasure I was to give you, but you refused rudely. I don't take rejection well." He sighed innocently and you wanted to throw up at his act. 

"Interesting. I'm surprised if anyone ever wanted you. Looking at you makes me sick." You replied in disgust. His eyes darkened and a furious expression spread across his face. He walked up to you and placed his hands on both sides of your body. You were unsure what he wanted to do, until you felt his hands squeeze you. You screamed in pain as your had dropped backwards. He was very well aware of your broken ribs and he wanted to make sure that you didn't forget it either. You gasped for air as he let go of you, but it seemed to make it even worse. 

"Let's try that again." He cupped your face in his hands, placing his forehead on yours. 

"You are a disgusting piece of shit." You hissed in pain and leaned backwards for a second to then collide your forehead with his. The pain from your concussion came back even worse, but seeing the blood dripping down his face made you smirk.

"That was a very bad move." He said calmly. He looked up at you, determination clearly showing in his eyes as he slapped you as hard as he could with the back of his hand. Your head snapped to the side and you could feel your jaw moving out of its place, before popping back in. You had no more energy left to scream. Silent tears rolled down your dirt and blood covered face. "Why are you making this situation any worse than it already is?" He questioned while walking around and stopping behind you. "This is all your fault, you know?! You are such a pretty creature, but because of your behaviour, look at you now. So filthy and shameful." He put his arms around your waist and placed his face into the nape of your neck. You tried to move, but the chains were stopping you. You felt his fangs scratching your skin as he moved to a more comfortable position. You had no time to think, he already dug into your skin, penetrating your vein. You wanted to scream, kick, hit, but your body didn't react. You just hang there with silent tears falling down on the ground under you. "You are so delicious, I could keep doing this all day." He whispered while detaching himself from your vein.

Love and Leather [Alec Lightwood x Reader] + gifs ✓Where stories live. Discover now