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Will, you forgive me *(M-preg)*




"What.. are you doing here..??

"I already told you to stay away from her "

Kong was heading such words yet he was still in a daze he tries to open his eyes but it felt difficult he tried one more time but fail he groaned slightly then he hears some voices & rushing sounds.

He move his hands to get clear access to the voice then he heard.

"Kong slowly open your eyes.. slowly " he tries and he time he was able to open but only half then again shut it.

"Come on again you can heard me right tell me signal me..." He nods this time & he heard some cheering sequel.

& Finally, he opens his eyes and he heard someone scream "mamma......." He smiles at the call as he remembers his daughter, Abbey.

He tries to search for her when Suddenly she was in a hight that Kong can see her clapping her hands & smiling at him.

"Abbey...." He calls out & forwards his hands for her but someone holds it,  he turns & found it was Aim. He signals him to stop & he smiles at him but he did nothing in return except a sharp nod.

"Kong... Child how are you feeling..?? " His doc ask him.

"Ok then finally you are out of danger now.." doc patted his hand & then turn to Aim.

"He will be staying here for 4 days observation after that he can go..." Saying doc left. 

"Aim... H..how.. am here...?? " Kong smile and then again Aim says nothing.

"Mamma...." Abbey's called bring his attention to her he smile  & then his eyes fell on the person who was holding Abbey...

Kong was shocked seeing Arthit holding Abbey & she is calling him mamma Infront of him he started panicking again & now Aim rush to him.

"I told you P'knot that would be the worst idea ever... now call the doc..." Aim south holding Kong rubbing his back. And all this time Arthit was standing there like a statue... aim look at him then snatch Abbey and shout.

"Get out Arthit just get out don't you see you are making the situation hard for him... Just get out..."

Abbey run to her mamma & hug him "I love you, mamma..." & Kisses his whole face which helps Kong to calm a Lil then doc inject him the medicine & he is like a lifeless sober person

Now Arthit & Kong was staring at each other with blank gaze... Forgetting the world the surroundings except for abbey who is playing his Kong's hand and he grip on her tightly. Knot notice this & drag aim out of the room letting them on themselves and aim who even surprise him the other day also need to be feed & calming. 


Knot's P.O.V

𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄【M-Preg】| ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇᴅ☑️Where stories live. Discover now