1.1|| The audition

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Jess woke up to the sound of her annoying alarm, all she wanted to do was sleep in her warm bed. Every time she would try and get up it felt as if the bed had a magnetic force pulling her back. After a few seconds she finally pulled herself out of bed and reached for her vlog camera and turned it on.

"Good morning roses, today is the day of my audition and i can't say what for because that's a secret" she put her finger up to her mouth "shhh. okay, that was stupid." she laughed "so i'm going to get ready and i will check in right before the audition!" she turned off the camera.

Jess has many acting parts but throughout the years with her bothers sickness she has been on and off with auditions. Many times she would get a callback but after jess told them about her situation with moving all the time they would cancel and tell her she couldn't continue with the show/movie.

"ughhh" as she flopped back on her bed looking at the ceiling "God please let me get this part." the teenager prayed

She sat up and walked to her dresser and picked out her clothes: black ripped high waisted jeans, a red tube top, black jean jacket, and white high top vans. (some of yall hated the outfit so just imagine something else if it bothers you)

"alexa play my happy playlist." soon 'Are You Bored Yet by Wallows' started playing and Jess changed, did her makeup, she ended up keeping her hair curly. "alexa stop," she said after she was done and a few songs went by.

Jess put on her shoes and walked downstairs seeing her brother hunter watching tv. He was honestly such a sweet kid and so smart for his age, jess's mom started her kids early with learning.

"good morning bubba how are you feeling?" she was surprised to see him up this early

"I'm feeling great." he grinned at jess "good luck at the audition." he spoke out a little slow to make his words sound correct

"aw i love you" she kissed his forehead and walked into the kitchen turning on her camera. "i have one hour until i have to leave so i'm gonna make a bagel and chill for a little then take off because it's 15 minutes away from my house so i'll see you in the car!" (why is my writing so cringy help me)

She grabbed her food then sat with hunter and watched 'Spider-man Homecoming' for a little until she had to leave.

"Bye, i'll see you after! Love you!" she yelled from the door making sure to grab all her paperwork and car keys.

The whole ride she listened to music to calm herself down and jess repeated the lines in her head. When she arrived at the building jess turned on her camera once again.

"ok guys im about to go in and im scared." she took a deep breath to calm herself down. "I hope i do good so i'll see you after, kisses!" she blew a kiss then turned off the camera. (wtf did i write omg lmaooo)

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