1.5|| Best Friends

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         Jess was sitting in her room trying to take a nap, she still felt like crap from this morning, Josh really helped her but she just wanted to be home so she left set early.

The doorbell rang and which made jess question who it could be, she was the only one home because Charlie took Hunter to a check-up appointment.

As Jess walked down the stairs carefully she looked out the window from the stairs only to see her two best friends that when on a cruise for school for 3 months. That made her run to the door and opened it so quickly it scared the girls. They all latched on immediately to each other so happy to see jess after all the time they were gone. As they pulled away jess couldn't believe they were here.

"W-what are y'all doing here?" she asked.

"What we couldn't come to see our best friend that we missed?" Ciara said

The girls walked into her house and went into the living room to catch up on the time they spent apart. They all sat on the floor and they girls couldn't believe what happened while they were gone.

"Let me get this straight, you got a part in a new show that's high school musical based, met Joshua Basset, and again are in a freakin tv show!" Sophie said trying to process everything

"Yeah i guess you can say it that way, but you can't tell anyone they don't announce the cast for another 3 months!" Jess looked at the two girls in confirmation that they won't tell anyone and they both nodded.

Jess started talking about how her dad came back last night to see her and what happened. She just couldn't hold it in again so jess started crying again, but this time she had her best friends to comfort her.

"Hey, let's go out for some food to cheer you up ok?" Sophie said as they pulled out of the hug Jess nodded as they all got up and headed to Chick-Fil-A.

JessicaRose posted!!

Liked by JoshuaBassett, SophieStanley, CiaraWilson and 234,890 others

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Liked by JoshuaBassett, SophieStanley, CiaraWilson and 234,890 others

JessicaRose 3 musketeers back together again :)

Tagged SophieStanley


CiaraWilson where are my photo creds?
JessicaRose Photo creds go to Ciara :)

Sophiestanly I luv you muffin <3
JessicaRose luv you too 🥺

User123 Ohhhh Joshua liked

User67 Why haven't you posted a youtube video?
JessicaRose I've been busy, but a vlog of the 3 musketeers coming soon :)

User23 Is no one gonna point out that
it looks like she is crying or was
User56 yeah i noticed that too, i hope she is ok

JoshuaBassett can you add one more?
JessicaRose sorry bud can't at the moment, maybe later?
User55 Ahh they are friends?!?!

load 23,450 comments...

Jess put her phone down on her nightstand and looked over at her best friends that were fast asleep in her bed. Jess reaches over and grabbed the control to the tv and turned it on to watch netflix to make herself tired to fall asleep.

Jess stayed up in her bed watching The Office for the next 30 minutes and laughing trying not to wake up her friends. She started dozing off when her phone buzzed.

The Joshua Bassett🤪
hope you had a good day
if you need anything i'm here
see you next week :)
good night

The Jessica Rose🥴
Thank you, for today.
maybe if you want you can come get
pizza with me and the girls tomorrow?
And be extra to the musketeers?

The Joshua Bassett🤪
are you serious
now i'm excited i need to sleep
good night

The Jessica Rose🥴
good night
[Read at 12:30 am]

[The Jessica Rose changed The Joshua Bassett🤪 to Jo-Jo🥺]

[The Joshua Bassett changes The Jessica Rose🥴 to Jeje😌]

author's note


Yup here's another filler chapter
introduction to Jess's best friends!

(Jeje - a funny jessica)

-i'm really doubting myself with what i write

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