1.6|| Pizza

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      "I can't believe we get to meet Joshua Bassett!" Ciara screamed behind jess and sophie in the shower. The girls giggled while continuing to do their makeup in the mirror.

"You better hurry up! I told Josh that we would be there at twelve-thirty and it's eleven forty-five!" as soon as Jess finished that sentence Ciara practically sprinted out of the shower and down the hall to change.

"So..." Sophie started, "What's going on with you and Josh?"

"Really nothing, i don't like him like that. We only talk at set. Today is the first time we are actually 'hanging out'." she put up air quotations.

"Maybe he might want to hang out with you one on one soon." Sophie hit her shoulder and winking at her.

"Please don't think like that again it will never happen. Probably on set but outside of set, no." she looked at her then went back to doing her mascara.

"Move!" Ciara said as she ran in with her hairdryer pushing sophie out of the way and jess giggles because sophia almost fell.

"Ok i'm done so i'm going to be in my room." Jess then left the bathroom and sat on her bed grabbing her phone to text josh.

I'm waiting for my joke
of the day

Right... um
one second

What do sprinters eat
before they race

I don't know
what do they eat

they fast

Josh back again with
funny dad jokes :)

That's me!
i need to get in my car
so i'll see you at the
pizza place :)

Yes sir
[Read at 12:15pm]

"Are you guys ready yet!" she yelled after she shut her phone off and started putting on her shoes.

"Yes, we are waiting downstairs! Can you hurry your butt up and stop texting your boyfriend!" Sophie said laughing after

Jess walked down to see her best friends at the door waiting for her to open it. She made sure to grab her camera so they could vlog what they do.

"he's not my boyfriend! We are just friends!" jess rolled her eyes as they walked out of the door and to the car.

Jess turned on the camera and placed it on the middle of the dashboard. They all

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