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      Jess sat in her room on a live stream on instagram strumming her guitar and humming trying to find the right tune to write a song, writing it down in her journal. She looked up to read the comments.

JoshuaBassett joined your live!

user45: omg Joshua joined!

user32: i ship #jeshua

user890: fix your hair if you like josh!!

user22: #jeshua4life

user10: what the heck is happening rn

user12: you and josh would be so cute uwu :)

user77: think of what kind of babies they would have 🥵

user890: wink if you like josh

"What the heck is jeshua?" she laughed ignoring the other comments looking back at the guitar and strumming it back to her thoughts. She looked up again after a few minutes and sees all these comments about josh.


user77: still think of the babies they would make🥵

user69: you and josh need to do a song together!!

user44: Joshua Bassett + Jessica Rose = 🥵🥰

"Guys who is this Josh Bassett guy, sorry if i don't know you dude now i feel bad."

She looked to see that there were 20,000 people on her live and all her comments were about this guy she didn't even know. Jess scrolled on her phone and she could barely see one about her and not this josh guy.

"Ok guys i need to finish this song and do some homework so i'm gonna go now um... new youtube video will be up tonight! Bye guys!" she waved and smiled and turned off the live.

Jess stood up to grab her computer off her desk and she glanced into her mirror that was over her desk seeing her hair in a messy bun and she was dressed in a sweatshirt and sweatpants. She shrugged it off, when she was at home this was the main outfit she would wear 24/7.

Later on, she soon started editing the audition vlog, she sat on her bed for about 1 hour and published the video, until her phone went off. When she glanced at her phone it was an email and her heart started racing. She carefully looked down at the words and her eyes landed on callback.

"Oh my, YES OH MY GOD!" jess screamed and her mom ran into her room almost instantly

"What happened!" her mom seemed worried like her daughter might have gotten hurt. When her eyes landed on jess she saw she was jumping up and down.

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