1.15|| New York

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      Jess stood in her room looking at her empty suitcase. She needed to be at the airport with the rest of the cast at 2:30 am tomorrow morning. Jess was really excited about going to New York and the whole cast persuaded tim to let them share a hotel room— which he said no at first, but after they bothered him so much he said yes.

It was now 12:36 pm and Jess only had put a pair of leggings into the suitcase. She didn't know what to pack, she secretly cared what people thought about her.

"Jess, honey everyone will love you just be yourself. Pack what you, Jessica Rose would wear." charlie leaned against her doorframe looking at her.

"ok give me your thoughts." charlie walked over to the girl who had an outfit laid out on the bed. "so i was thinking my white jeans with the red crop top and my red high top vans." she looked at her mom for approval

"i think it's wonderful everyone will love you and your character." Jess hugged her mom and continued packing she was now ready for people to see a new side of her.

Jess decided that she wouldn't go to bed and just stay up and sleep on the plane. Jess hates planes they scared the crap out of her— just the thought of being above the clouds and dropping made her have a mini panic attack.

She walked downstairs and sat on the couch with her mom who was watching some stupid reality tv show.

"hows hunt?" she staying looking forward at the tv watching to girls get in a fight.

"he's good he doing much better and i will go see him right after i drop you off." jess laid her head on her mom's shoulder and continued watching the tv.

      "You have everything you need for the trip? Blanket, Food, Chargers, mone-"

"mom i have everything you checked over four times." jess hugged her mom and grabbed her suitcase. "i'll text you when i get there, love you!" she walked away and through the airport doors. She took her phone out and called olivia to see how far away the cast was.


"hey, where are you guys?"

"oh my gosh, Jess beat us! Josh, you owe me ten bucks. We are about to pull up right now just wait there."

Jess hung up the phone as a white van pulled up and everyone fumbled out of it. The cast walked into the airport and immediately saw jess waiting for them. Olivia ran to jess and hugged her that they almost fell over.

"sorry we were kinda late, Josh forgot to set his alarm so we had to literally break down his door." she laughed and the group started walking towards the check-in.

After they got through security the cast got to the gate and waited for the plane. Jess was so tired she usually doesn't stay up past twelve, but she really didn't want to be awake for the plane ride.

"i'm going to get food does anyone want to come along?" matt said as everyone sat down in seats. Jess settled down and josh sat next to her.

"can you just get me a vanilla iced coffee please?" jess asked while putting her AirPods in, and started her music. She felt a tap on her shoulder not even two minutes into the first song— she stopped the music and turned towards josh.

"yes?" she looked at him with a confused face

"did you sleep at all?"

"no actually i didn't." she smiled at the boy and waited for him to say something, but he didn't so she turned her music back on and closed her eyes— soon enough she drifted off to a quick nap.

Something cold hit jess's face and she flinched at the touch. She opened her eyes and saw matt holding her coffee. She took it out of his hands and took a sip, relaxing at the feeling of coffee in her system. She then realized her head was on josh's shoulder and she didn't want to move so she stayed for a little bit.

"i'm going to use the bathroom i will be right back." she stood up and put her headphones up but josh grabbed her wrist before she walked off.

"can i go too?" he looked at her with puppy eyes

"i mean sure but you know i'm a girl right?" he let go of her wrist and she started walking off with him in shock.

"wait you're a girl?" she turned back and punched him in the arm and they continued walking down to the bathrooms.

"i'm sorry, excuse me are you joshua and Jessica?" they both turned around and saw two teenage girls

"yes, but this is Patricia" jess hit him on the back of the head

"he being stupid sorry- yes i'm jessica."

"is it ok if we get a picture with you guys?" Jess got recognized a lot in public so she was used to it

"yes of course!" the girls stood with them and their mom took the picture

"thank you so much and y'all are a cute couple." jess froze at those words but it didn't affect josh at all

"thank you but we aren't dating." he laughed and the girls walked off and they continued to the bathroom.

"Patricia really?" jess rolled her eyes as she walked into the bathroom

After the bathroom, josh met jess outside the door and walked back with her to the gate. It was another hour until the plane arrived and jess sat down and let her music flow in her ears.

"Flight to New York City now boarding"

An hour later, everyone got up and got checked into the plane, they all filed into the seats, jess sat on the aisle, josh sat in the middle and larry sat next to the window.

It hit jess all of a sudden that they were about to go in the air. Her breathing started to pick up and josh seemed to notice.

"jess are you ok?" he looked at the girl that was about to have a panic attack

"i hate planes they scare me i just don't like the idea of them so i'm just scared." she grabbed josh's hand and squeezed it.

Josh flipped his hand and intertwined their fingers, he rubbed her knuckles with his thumb as the plane began to move at a fast speed to take off.

"i'm sorry if my hand starts sweating," she whispered, josh only laughed

The plane went up in the air and jess hates the whole thing. She wished she was on the ground walking on the grass, not floating in the air.

Jess shut her eyes hard trying to forget that they are on a plane. Josh continued to look at her and was trying to calm her down.

"jess you need to sleep just rest your eyes and it will be over." he smiled at her and she placed her head on his shoulder. Her eyes slowly drifted off to sleep as josh rested his head on hers.


authors note


here's a filler while i'm working on the first chapter of Sammy's book.
also THANK YOU 5k reads


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