1.16|| Thunderstorms

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My new book Fantasy is out!! It's the hsmtmts book of sammy! Please check it out :)


Jess was exploring New York city alone, which probably was a bad idea because she got stopped a few times for pictures for fans while they asked what she was doing here, but she had to say she was on vacation. And the cast hasn't had an official photoshoot yet but they soon were going to and that's what jess was most excited for— she was ready for people to see who she was.

She called an uber to take her back to the hotel. After the flight, Jess and Josh pretty much forgot about what happened on the plane.

The uber pulled up in front of the hotel and she paid him and got out walking into an elevator, she made her way toward the room where everyone was.

"Jess is back! She's not dead!" Frankie came running at her and almost knocked her down.

"whoa! ok i'm really tired so i'm going to go and take a nap." she walked down the hall to her room and put her phone and bags down and walked to Josh's room. When she walked in josh had a towel around his lower torso.

"ah what the hell josh!" she covered her eyes

"what, you never seen a chest before?" he walked up to her and removed her hands from her eyes. "better?"

Her eyes accidentally slip down his body to his chest she quickly looked up and he was smirking.

"you like what you see?" he pulled her inside his room and shut the door

"you wish, now can i please leave and go take a nap?" she turned around and opened the door and walked out

"i'll be joining you soon!"

"in your dreams!"

"exactly you're in them!" jess couldn't help but blush and shake it off as she walked into her room that she shared with olivia. She noticed that olivia was getting ready to go somewhere.

"where are you going?" jess fell on the bed

"some of us are going to the city to explore."

"ah well i hope you have fun i'm going to take a nap now i'm tired as crap." jess got up and changed into sweatpants and a took her shirt off so she was in a sports bra.

"sleep tight." olivia whispered as she left the room and shut off the lights— Jess drifted off to darkness soon after that.

Thunder cracked loudly in the night sky, everything flashed around her, the power went out, and jess was in the hotel room alone. She put on a sweatshirt and turned her flashlight on her phone out as she walked down the hallway towards the living room to check maybe if anyone was in the hotel room. She saw a light and turned the corner to see josh laying on the couch on his phone.

"hey," she whispered to see if he actually was awake. he looked up from his phone seeing her standing in front of him

"did the thunder wake you up?" jess nodded and he patted the spot next to him.

She laid down putting her head on his chest, he put an arm around her back and he pulled the blanket over them. Jess pulled out her phone and decided to post on instagram. When she opened the app she saw a few hate comments and just silently laughed at them but they actually were hurting her.

JessicaRose Posted!

JessicaRose Posted!

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Liked by SophieStanley, CiaraWilson, OliviaRodrigo and 307,065 others

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Liked by SophieStanley, CiaraWilson, OliviaRodrigo and 307,065 others

JessicaRose Hi, i miss my drama queens

SophieStanley CiaraWilson


SophieStanley i miss you bb🥺
JessicaRose <3

CiaraWilson come back, please
JessicaRose omw

JessicaRose disabled the comments

"Why did you disable the comments?" josh looked down at her

"i've been getting hate so i just chose to do it." she turned her phone off and closed her eyes put her arm over his torso

"don't let them get to your head."

"mmhm" she pushed herself closer to his chest and grabbed his hand.

"where is everyone? it's so late?" she looked back at josh

"they got stuck in the Disney store because of the storm."

"oh, well goodnight josh."

"good night jess." josh looked at the girl as she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. "i'll keep you safe," he whispered as thunder went through the air again and jess tightly squeezed his hand.

OliviaRodrigo Added to her private story!

OliviaRodrigo Added to her private story!

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authors note

here's another filler just to lead up to the interviews.  ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE 10th EPISODE!! RINI IS SO CUTE LIKE WHAT THE HELL!


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