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The sound of his cries somewhat brought me joy. The baby... is alive.

I gently pick the baby up, and wrap him in cloth I pulled from my bag. "Hi Zenith," I whisper, using another clean wet cloth to wipe him clean.

"You've finally arrived," I say, smiling. I put the cloth down, and watched the baby happily.

Merida was right about something.

He is extremely beautiful.

I suddenly sense something, magic.

I look around, seeing if anyone else was here. I stand up quickly, and walk to the balcony. "There's no one here..." I whisper.

I look down at the baby. "No one except you.." I say to him. It's the baby? But how?

None of his parents had magic.

"How is this possible?" I mumble to myself. He begins to wail again.

The one thing I don't like about babies.

I place my pointer finger and middle finger on his tiny forehead.

Yep, it's him. He has magic.

It suddenly hit me.

Pitch. He used magic to speed up the pregnancy. That magic must of affected his genetics, his DNA.

I look at the baby in awe. "Mhh... okay magical baby. What are we gonna do now?" I ask him. I know he can't answer, but I have no one else to talk to.

"Let's see how our friends are doing. Your mother made me promise not to bring you into any affairs with Pitch, so I have to make sure nothing is going on before I bring you to your father," I say.

I wonder what it's like to have a kid at 16.

They made a beautiful being though.

I shut my eyes and focus. I started to look for Elsa and Lex, who would probably be with Zenith's dad.

I find Elsa, and she seems to be at North's workshop. "Elsa," I call.

I go into her mind, and do what I did with Merida. I go past her memories and emotions, and find her.

She is standing, and turns around to see me. "Sia? What's going on? Where are we?" she asks.

I run towards her through the darkness. "We are in your mind," I tell her.

She looks around, perplexed. "Why is it just so dark in my mind then?" she asks me. "This isn't your memories or what you think about. It's just the back of your mind where people like me can access you to speak," I explain. She nods.

"What's going on?" she asks me.

"The elixir worked, but it saved Merida's child. Son to be specific. His name is Zenith," I tell her.

I see tears well in her eyes. "So... Mer is gone?" she asks me. I nod sadly. "I'm really sorry," I say sympathetically.

She wipes a few tears, and looks back up at me. "How is he? The baby?" she asks, a slight smile appearing. "He is just beautiful. Completely beautiful. He has brown hair, but it's already curly like his mother's," I explain.

She nods, a serene smile on her face while she still cries. "Merida made me promise not to bring him in the midst of Pitch. Is Pitch close by?" I ask.

She nods. "Now is the not the time to have him over here. We all have to fight Pitch when night falls tomorrow," she tells me.

I sigh, shaking my head. "I don't know what to do with Zenith, I can't take care of another person," I say in worry.

"This is a lot for all of us... but please Sia. We can't protect Zenith right now, we need you," she says.

I frown. "I have no food for him..." I say, beginning to panic. She walks over to me, and puts her arm on my shoulder. "Zenith needs you. Please Sia," she says, her eyes pleading.

"I mean, I love the little babe, I'm just worried," I say. "Of course I'll watch him," I add.

She sighs in relief. "I don't think it's a good idea for me to tell the father right now," she says. I frown again. "Why not?" I ask.

"Right now is not the time to tell him this... after we survive this fight, I'll let him know," she says. I nod.

"I also found out I'm a few weeks pregnant," she states, as my eyes widen. "What the heck is wrong with you guys? Didn't you have protection?!" I exclaim.

She facepalms. "It's too late too discuss that factor now anyway. It's gonna be dangerous for me if Pitch finds out I'm with a child... he could do the same thing he did to Merida to me- speed up the pregnancy," she tells me.

I sigh. "All this it too complicated. Too much," I say.

"You want me to examine your baby?" I ask her. She raises a brow. "You can do that?" she asks. I nod. "My powers can do a lot," I respond.

She nods. I walk towards her, and place two fingers on her stomach.

I hear the sound of future crying, and the sight of a baby girl. I also sense intense magic from her.

"It will be a baby girl," I tell her. "A girl... wow," Elsa murmurs. "She will have a lot of magic. I mean it's obvious too. Both you and the father have magic don't you?" I ask her.

"Yea. Jack is the father... the one prophesied to kill your dad," she tells me.

My eyes widen. "Well dang. She's gonna have a lot of magic," I say. Elsa smiles. "Thanks for telling me," she replies.

"Zenith also has powers, from what Pitch did. It's a lot too," I mention.

Elsa's eyes widen.

Suddenly there's heavy breeze that starts to blow in our direction. It continues to blow harder and faster.

"Elsa, wake up!"

"Why did she just collapse?!"

"She isn't responding."

"It seems your friends are waking you up," I tell her. The wind starts to knock her off her feet. "What?! But I wasn't done talking with you!" Elsa shouts.

"It's okay! After the fight tomorrow I'll contact you," I tell her. "Don't take any pills that can mess with your mind, or else I can't contact you!" I exclaim.

"Okay!" she shouts in reply over the loud sound of the wind.

A few seconds later she is blown out above the darkness, and I wake up.

I find myself over the balcony, over Zenith's wailing cries. I smile down on him. "Hush babe. I'm going to be taking care of you for now," I say, stroking his cheek.

You Changed Me ( Jelsa )Where stories live. Discover now