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The crystal gems return to the sight of some food sprawled across the table. Amethyst nearly pouncing on it, scarfs all of it down in one fowl swoop.

"Huh, I wonder who made this." Pearl wonders, trailing off.

Garnet makes her way up to Steven's room. When she enters, she's greeted by two smiling smiling faces. Steven and Spinel are telling each other jokes, while laughing insanely in unison. They're both sitting on Steven's bed. Clothes, nor dishes clutter the floor any longer. His room looks clean once again. Garnet clamps her hands to her mouth, she starts smiling.

"Steven.." she coos sweetly.

"G-garnet- !" he stutters.

"Heyo what's a-happenin'-...." Amethyst and Pearl join in.

"STEVENNNNNNNNN-" Pearl nearly topples Steven onto the ground.

"Heh hey Pearl. Missed me?" Steven says.

"YOOOO --STEVEN'S BACK!!" Amethyst pounces onto Steven, embracing him in a hug. They all begin to laugh, Spinel making her way over to Garnet.

"You did good Spinel." Garnet says to her before bringing her in for a hug. Spinel jumps into her arms.

"Heh, glad I helped. But we still have some stuff left to do."

"Hm, I do see something happening in the near future." She pushes her visors up, turning back towards the group.

"Come, we still need to question the war gems."

"AW mannnn. But we just got Steven out of emo modeeee." she walks out along with Pearl. Pearl simply turns and waves at the two, with a little smile before heading out. Both hear the warp pad activating, and then silence.

"So, since I'm staying over.. Where am I gonna stay?" Spinel asks, sheepishly.

"Oh right.. We do have a couch downstairs you could sleep on."


"Oh yea-" Steven realizes he had forgotten he was a gem for a moment. She doesn't know of this foreign thing called 'sleep.' But, perhaps he can teach her to sleep somehow.

"It's what you need in order to recharge. It helps you function, and do fun things everyday." he explains.

"Ah I see, sounds difficult."

"It's really not, I could teach you! We can have a slumber party too!" he adds, before going downstairs. Returning with sleeping bag and pillow in hand.

"This is something you sleep in, it gives you comfort and warmth :3." she watches as he unfolds the sleeping bag, laying it on the floor. The bag resting at the foot of his bed.

"What's next?"

"You go in." she climbs inside. She looks like a smol worm. Her tongue sticking out like a tiny cat making a blep face.(ex. :b)

"Awe you look so cute-"


"Nothing!-" he blushes.

"Then you just close your eyes. Without thinking you'll drift off to sleep in no time." He climbs into his bed and switches the overhead light off.

"Good night, Spinel." he yawns tiredly.

"Night, Steven..." Spinel drifts off to sleep along with him.

Steven's slumber is disturbed, he's drowsy when suddenly he hears the sound of both whimpering, straight in his ear, and raindrops. He looks down to see a very frightened Spinel clinging onto his arm.

"Ah- Spinel!....what's wrong?" He asks her, while patting her head slightly. She has her arms wrapped around him completely at this point. She's also shaking violently under the blanket they're now sharing. When she doesn't answer, thunder starts breaking out amongst the rain, with a loud thud she squeals, and holds onto him tighter.

"Oh! Is it the thunder?"

"T-thunder??" she looks up at him. Tears forming in her eyes.

"Spinel it's okay! We need thunder! It's part of the Earth!" he begins, but she doesn't budge. Doesn't seem like she's going anywhere.

"P-please...can I stay here? I-I don't want to be a-alone.." she answers again, finally.

"I- don't see why not, just as long as it helps you feel better." she nods, her cheek brushing against his chest. Steven blushing, Spinel doing the same seconds after. Removing her cheek from his chest.

"O-okay. Let's try to sleep all of this away, huh?" he begins stroking her hair, until she eventually stops shaking. The thunder calms down a little, only the pitter padder of the rain is heard now. It seems Spinel has drifted off to sleep. And eventually, Steven does as well. His hand still Resting, caressing Spinel's head.

"Huh? Where am I?" Steven looks around. It looks just like his mother's room, but white.

"Steven..." that voice, it's so recognizable. He could never forget who it belongs to.

"Con-...." he loses his voice.

Grasping his hair with his hands, now shaped into fists. He collapses, dropping to his knees. His head is tilted downwards, now. Never looking up once.

"N-no-...please.....not now!" He starts tearing up. All he can hear is Connie's voice, beckoning him. It stops abruptly and Steven blinks. He looks up, facing her.

She's wearing what looks like rather standard clothing. Adorning a happy sort of expression to her cheery face. She faces towards him, smiling forgivingly.


"...." he's unable to say anything. She walks towards him, combing her dainty fingers through his hair.

"I'm so proud of you, Steven..."

"Wha- wat?" he hadn't expected her to ever say such a thing.

"Steven, you've come so far. Even after I passed. You've gotten better. I'm proud. I'm so glad. And I'm happy you've found someone, too!"

"I-I, Connie! You-" he stutters.

"I know, I'm not here. You and me both know you can't ever bring me back. But, this isn't you fault Steven. I'm okay, and in a better place. Please don't think you're to blame. I love you too much. Please don't think that."

"But! I put you in danger!"

"And I chose to stay, and put my self in harms way. By challenging that gem, I thought I could poof them, but I bit off more than I could chew. And I'm so, so sorry I had to leave you so soon." she adds as well. Once she's finished, she shifts her vision to the floor. Steven clings onto her, embracing her in a meaningful hug.

"I-I miss you ..." he sniffles.

"I know, I'm happy you've accepted it a bit more now, though. You're doing so much better, and I'm so proud you have others there to look out for you!" she hugs him back before pulling away, and winking at him. He blushes and laughs along with her.

"Thanks, Connie. I'm gonna miss you, but I know you're still out there somewhere. I'll see you again someday."

"Same goes to you." she whispers sincerely. Her voice a bit wispy, giving him a kiss on the forehead as well. Before he wakes up again.

Spinel's lying against his chest, snoring about a storm.(no pun intended, i love rain:3)

He glances down at her and smiles.

"I've already found someone~" he sings silently.

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