Chapter 15: New development and prelim exam

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Here’s chapter 15!!







Loren’s POV

I was slowly regaining my consciousness when I suddenly heard this.


I invisibly flinch as I got harshly awaken too soon. UGH!

I still had my eyes close and analyze my current situation like I always had. Until it hit me. We arrived at the tower and saw Kakashi-sensei, after that I passed out.

I sniffs the scent of an alcohol and I immediately knew that I am probably in a hospital room.

‘Wait…Karin! I hope she’s okay…’ I mentally said, hiding the fact to the people inside the room that I’m already awake.

“You dobe, quit shouting! You’re disturbing the patients” someone hissed. Sasuke.

“Sasuke’s right idiot” a familiar girl said and sighed. Sakura.

“You know guys. I’d understand if Sakura’s here ‘cause she’s a medic nin. But you two? Here? Shouldn’t you two guarding the Kage’s right now?” another voice hinted. Shikamaru.

“He’s right yah know” Suigetsu added.

I internally sighed. I wonder how long have I slept? Good thing I took off my contacts before teleporting in the tower.

“Naruto, stop shouting will yah? You’re making me cringe in pain. Sheesh” Karin said.

‘Oh it’s Karin…KARIN!?’ I thought as I abruptly opened my eyes.

‘She’s supposed to be sleeping!” I mentally panicked.

I immediately sat up, making me internally growl in pain and uneasiness. My sudden movement made the group of people flinch in shock, but I didn’t paid them any mind as I scanned the area and find Karin on my right side and is currently sitting on her bed.  I stumbled my way to her bed with a panic expression on my face.

“Y-you’re awake! How are you feeling? Shouldn’t you be sleeping more? Is your body still hurting? Did I successfully extract the poison? Why-h-how-” I stop as my body shivered in pain and guilt.

“Woah! Calm down okay? I’m fine so don’t worry anymore alright?” she reassured. I lowered and squeezed my eyes shut. Surely they’re becoming red.

“I-I’m sorry. I couldn’t look after you” I mumbled as I grip her thin white cotton blanket.

“What the. I’m not a kid anymore. Besides, how can you say that when you’re the one who saved me. And I can’t thank you enough.”

I repositioned myself, my feet on the floor while I’m still sitting on her bed, and my back facing the stunned group.

I bit my lower lip as guilt crawled in.

‘This is why I don’t want to trust nor care for anyone! They’re making me lower my guard! They’re making me care for them! I’m unconsciously making them my burden even though I already have enough!’ I hysterically thought.

“Tsk!” I stood up and let down the IV needle that was on my right arm earlier. I’ve been getting it off when I turned my back on them.

“Hey! Why did you take that off?” Suigetsu pointed.

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