Chapter 12

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*Bey POV*
My tired eyes flutter open to the feeling of tender, feather-like kisses on my neck. I feel the warm breath of someone against my skin as they lightly chuckle.

"Wake up, Baby Girl." Shawn whispers against my skin as he pecks me again.

I sit up in my bed, only to notice that I'm naked and Shawn is staring me up and down. A smirk forms on my face once I see the lust forming in his eyes.

"Good morning, Shawn."

"I thought I told you it's daddy."

I say nothing and leave Shawn lingering in his own thoughts. He slides my bed sheet off of me only to reveal my whole naked body.

"Do I have to show you why I'm Daddy... Again? Baby Girl, when will you learn?" He asks as he drifts his head down towards my area.

"No, no! You're right, I'm sorry Daddy." I pout while I practically beg for mercy.

This man really knows how to please a woman. I experienced so much pleasure, it was unbearable. The way he flicks his tongue and licks on my pu-

"That's what I thought." Shawn says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"But Baby Girl, we gotta get ready for work." He leans in to peck my lips once more.

"Oh shit, you're my boss. I totally forgot." I say, completely dumb-founded by what went down with my boss last night.

"I'm your Daddy now though." He mumbles as if I can't hear him. "But me being your boss doesn't mean anything Ms.Sexy. We still have to go to work, but you will still be my Baby Girl. We just can't show it in our work place. People would see it as unprofessional and it would ruin our reputations."

"This is unprofessional, Shawn."

"Bey, like I said it-"

"But I don't care." I say as I stand from my bed. "I'll break the rules for you, Daddy. I'm a naughty girl."

I make my way over to him, still naked. I sway my hips back and forth to give an extra swing. By the looks on his face, Shawn is now under my spell. Once I reach him, I press my front right on to him, and allow my hands to travel up and down his muscular, defined chest.

"You're a naughty girl?" He asks me, in a deep and raspy voice.

"I'll be your naught girl."

And with that, I walk away and head towards the bathroom to get ready for work.

"You should get going now, Daddy. I'll see you at work." I say, sending him a wink.
At work
*Shawn POV*
I'm standing at the glass wall of my office, watching the whole city, towering over the whole city. This would be considered one of the most beautiful views that could possibly be seen. That's what it used to be to me. I can see everything from here. The rising sun which is leaving highlights of yellow and orange in the faint blue, cloudless sky. And at night, the sunset is so vivid and colorful, especially with all the bright city lights that are all over. But none of this compares to Beyoncé, my baby girl. This view has nothing on her. I can't shake her from my mind.

"Mr.Carter." I hear a woman in a seductive voice say.

I turn away from the window, only to be disappointed. It's only Michelle.

"Yes, Ms. Williams?" I ask, trying to show irritation.

"I just wanted to see if you needed anything." She says while biting down on her bottom lip.


"That's what my assistant Ms. Knowles is for. I will wait for her, but thank you Michelle, you're dismissed. And next time, knock on my door instead of just walking in."

Speaking of the angel, Beyoncé's face appears in the doorway, and she bumps Michelle's shoulder to get into my office.

"I believe he said you are dismissed." Bey says with sass, putting one hand on her hip and shooting an impatient look towards Michelle.

And with that being said, Michelle rolls her eyes at Bey's comment and leaves my office. Finally. That trick has got ninety-nine problems, acting like a damn fool.

Bey closes the door and makes her way over to me. Her walk is so slow and sensual, it's putting me in a trance. Her eyes are intense as they stare deep into mine. It's dead silent besides the clacking of her high heels against my floor.

"Good morning, Mr.Carter." She says as she traces her index finer up my chest. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

I stand right in front of her and say nothing. Instead of talking, I pull her in by the waist to bring her closer to me and hold her in a tight embrace. My hands soon shift from her waist to her ass.

"I don't believe that was a proper good morning, Baby Girl." I whisper in her ear, allowing my lips to brush up against her skin.

Just as she began to lean into me, there's a loud, obnoxious knock on the door. What the actual fuck could it be now?

"Mr. Carter, here is paper work for Mr. West's company that must be filled out in order to begin the project by the projection date." Michelle says with attitude while handing over the papers.

Michelle is mugging Bey really hard with jealousy filling her wide eyes. As she sees how close Bey and I are standing, she shoots me a look that I'm unable to read. All I see is a lifeless, blank expression.

"I suggest that you and Ms.Knowles get to work." she heads towards the door and almost slams it shut.

"Who does that bitch think she is?" Bey asks with curiosity taking over her. "Doesn't she know that she's just the unwanted help?"
Author's Note

Y'all peep Michelle ?👀🌴🌴shadeeee. Can I get some comments y'all ? And vote too or whateva😏I really appreciate all the support, frfr. And I should start updating more soon 😊 if y'all ever want an update, just let me kno and I'll start working on it ASAP.
Maya 😘😈💃💁👑❤️💋

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